3 Ways Energy Healing Can Transform Your Business

What if I told you that the state of your business is directly connected to the state of your energetic system? 

That your current level of your success, clients and money flowing in is a direct reflection of the mental and emotional patterns that dominate your subconscious mind– and that these can be accessed, removed or strengthened using energy?

And what if I told you that energy healing has the power to transform you and the success of your business?

Well guess what….it’s all true.

Here’s three ways energy healing can transform you and your business so you can touch the lives of more people (the planet needs your unique healing and wisdom, now!).

#1: As you heal and transform, so does your business.

Why is your business where it is right now?

A lot of it is from the mental and emotional patterns and programs ingrained in your subconscious mind that determine the way in which you show up as a healer, coach, holistic practitioner and lightworker in your business.

If you struggle with imposter syndrome, self-doubt, insecurities and limiting beliefs, these are indicators of negative mental and emotional programs in your subconscious mind that are directly affecting the growth and success of your business and how many people you can share your medicine with.

With Pranic Healing, these negative programs are removed layer by layer in your energy system and replaced with frequencies of confidence, empowerment, courage and belief in yourself so you show up much more powerfully for your business and success. With each session, these results are strengthened.

I’m gonna get personal here– I’ve struggled with these exact things in my business! During the periods in which I was really struggling with imposter syndrome, fear, self-doubt and limiting beliefs, my business wasn’t doing much. Attracting clients and money was rough. 

But as soon as I recommit to doing my own weekly healings and practice the tools that I include in my signature program, I start to deeply embody the confidence, power, courage and belief in myself and the healing I channel. And guess what? My business starts to shift again, almost immediately.

In my 3 month signature healing program, Heal and Feel Confident to Build a Thriving, Abundant Business, you receive 10 one-on-one distant Pranic Healing sessions to transform your core mental and emotional patterns running the show in your subconscious mind. Because of this, you show up much differently in your business and it grows.

And the biggest gift? You experience more impact and fulfillment everyday from touching more souls.

#2: Poverty and scarcity consciousness are removed from your energy field and replaced with the energy of abundance and success. This transforms your business.

When poverty and scarcity consciousness are removed in your energy field and replaced with the energy of abundance and success, you attract more opportunities, clients and money into your experience.

Your physical experience is a reflection of what you’re attracting into your experience based on what is being held in your energy field, including negative programs like poverty and scarcity consciousness that’s preventing your business from growing.

A very successful Pranic Healing I talked to told me an incredible story. She was struggling to sell her healing sessions and had barely any money left in her bank account. Desperate, she decided to use her tools and do Pranic Healing sessions on herself to remove poverty consciousness, scarcity consciousness and any blockages to abundance and large amounts of money from her energy field, focusing on her root chakra where a lot of these blockages are located.

She did a session a day for three days. On the fourth day, a local real estate agent found her on social media and messaged her, saying that his life coach had recommended he find an energy healer. He asked how much a session and she replied a number that was a lot compared to other healers, but she was determined to practice the newfound abundance she was feeling from the sessions. Without hesitation, he said yes, I’ll buy 5 of these sessions.

After the first session he was so impressed that he referred quite a few of his other real estate buddies to her and within a month her income was many times over what it had been in the past. She makes over 6 figures a year now.

Coincidence? No, there’s no such thing. We call something a coincidence when we don’t understand it. But once you understand that the physical world moulds itself to the energetic world, you understand that there’s always a reason behind everything that happens.

This story demonstrates the power of energy healing, specifically Pranic Healing, and how it can increase the amount of opportunities, money and clients coming to your heart-centered business. 

It makes sense- remove the energetic blockages in your energy system of poverty consciousness, scarcity consciousness and any blockages to receiving a strong flow of abundance and money into your reality, and replace it with the higher vibrations of abundance, deservedness and faith in what is coming to you, and you will receive more in your business and it will grow.

Most of my clients have poverty consciousness or scarcity consciousness in their energy system, specifically their root chakras, otherwise they wouldn’t be feeling challenged in building their thriving, abundant businesses. 

That’s why I always include this type of healing in the 10 one-on-one distant Pranic Healing sessions that come with my 3 month signature program. In each session, these blockages are removed and replaced with frequencies of abundance, deservedness of so much money and clients and the faith that these things are coming to them. Then it’s reflected back to them in their businesses.

#3: Using the Law of Karma to Receive more Success, Abundance and Clients in your Business.

This isn’t included in a Pranic Healing session, but it’s a powerful form of energy healing that you can practice to grow your thriving, abundant business. 

This is a simple but very powerful tool that I coined “Karma Hacking” in my 3 month signature healing program. It uses the natural laws of the Universe– specifically the Law of Karma– to attract more clients, money and success through your heart-centered business.

Karma gets a bad rap in the Western culture. Yeah, you reap what you sow. But not only the bad— the good too! So sow more good and reap more good. Easy peasy. 

Use the Law of Karma to your advantage and support and uplift others in the process!

This tool is directly taught in Pranic Healing within Arhatic Yoga, the systematic path of spirituality, and Kriyashakti, the system of manifestation, so you can experience more abundance, joy, health and love!! You deserve all of these things. 

The idea that you have to sacrifice yourself to heal others is an outdated and dying belief. Martyrdom is dead. You deserve the most incredible life, especially if you’re a channel of light, healing and wisdom on this planet.

This is how it can work in your own business.

Whatever you want more of, you give that to others. The more you give of that, the more you’re entitled to that in your own life. That’s the Law of Karma.

So if you want more success, clients and money, start consistently giving that to others. Here’s some ideas on how you can do that: 

  • Support other practitioners and coaches like yourself on social media.

  • Comment on and share their posts.

  • Overtip on the services and products you receive from other small businesses.

  • Write good reviews for the small businesses you love and want to succeed.

  • Give praise and words of encouragement to other people building up their own businesses and sharing their art or projects with the world.

  • Be generous with your money– donate your money to organizations, causes or funds that support the success of other individuals.

  • Make an effort to purchase from small businesses that you love 

  • Refer friends to other small businesses, practitioners and service providers that you love. It can be for anything– waxing, haircuts, healing, coaching, real estate, plumbing, website design, etc.

As you make an effort to practice more of these things on a daily basis, watch what happens within your business. These things commonly happen:

  • You’ll receive more opportunities for growth. More invitations, interviews and collaborations will come your way.

  • You’ll receive more leads on clients, either through more traditional marketing strategies or through meeting random people at random events.

  • You’ll receive more money through your business and outside your business, too.

Watch how creative the Universe can be while it delivers the things to you that you’re karmically entitled to. It’s a fun little game of counting your blessings!

Action isn’t enough. To quickly transform and grow your thriving, abundant business, you need to combine action with energy healing.

The Western culture is obsessed with action. It glorifies the masculine hussle culture which can leave you burned out and unable to channel the brilliant creative forces that naturally flow through you when you’re balanced and connected with your Divine Self.

Action is necessary to building your business– it’s an essential part of manifesting your dream life and dream business. 

But your energy needs to be in alignment first, then the right actions will flow out of that. If you’re filled with fear, self-doubt and low self-esteem, the actions that stem from that will not be the same actions that will come out of you when you are feeling confident, empowered and courageous. Both types of energies will produce very different businesses.

What mental and emotional patterns are dominating your energy system and psyche? What’s the state of your business now? Both are directly connected.

If you want to feel empowered with the confidence, courage and belief in yourself to show up differently in building your thriving, abundant business, I can help.

The first step is booking a free consultation call here. Discover how Pranic Healing and energy can transform you and your business so you can serve more of the souls that need your unique healing medicine! They’re out there and waiting for you.

Lots of love and many blessings to you!

Suzie DeVoe


Shift Your Beliefs Now to Transform Your Holistic Business


Energy Healing for More Love, Money and Success