Done lots of inner work and healing but your life STILL isn’t getting better? Here’s why and what to do about it.
Despite doing a lot of inner work, are you frustrated that your life isn't getting better?
Maybe you’ve been going to therapy or getting regularly energy healing sessions. You’ve been journaling and reading self-help book.
And yet…your life is still the same! Same job, same relationships, same routine, etc.
You FEEL like you’ve done a lot of healing and learned a lot of lessons. You really have matured and grown into a new, upleveled version of yourself.
If you’ve changed internally, shouldn’t your life change to reflect that according the Law of Attraction? If I create and attract my reality, why hasn’t my life changed that much??
I get the frustration first-hand. Here’s why and what to do about it.
The Universe always gives you a choice— so what decision will you make?
Last week I had a decision to make.
I've been so focused on building up my finances, investing, saving and planning for the future. Yay me!!
But I've also been stuck in the habit of waiting to do fun things like international travel until I...have even more money, more business success, etc.
Not only have I been doing a lot of financial grounding and inner work around my relationship with money, I’ve also been doing a lot of energy work on myself.
I’ve replaced a lot of people-pleasing tendencies with firm boundaries. I’ve practiced saying “no” so much it finally feels liberating! I’ve worked through trauma and increased my sense of self-worth and self-love.
I feel like a new person inside. A new, unleveled, badass and powerful version of me from a few years ago. I mean it, I’ve done a ton of inner work!!
And yet…where is my increase in income and business success? Where is my brand new life? Where is the international travel to fabulous places?
According to Law of Attraction, I should see a big change reflected back to me in my finances, career, relationships and daily life, right??!
Because as soon as I see that increase in income and business success, then I can really sit back and enjoy my life and all the hard work I’ve done.
I can travel to awesome airbnbs and chill on the beach, basking in how far I’ve come. I can start to celebrate because my life has really changed!!!
Meanwhile I'm still waiting to see my life change so I can start having more fun and really LIVING!
Well, last week I finally got sick of waiting.
I got a random idea to go to a tropical beach for my birthday in June and CELEBRATE my freedom without children, pets, a husband or a mortgage lol! I was so excited and started researching islands in the Caribbean!!!
But a fearful voice held me back...
Suzie, you've been so good with saving money. Why don't you put that money into your retirement? Save it for the future?
Maybe next year will be better for an international trip. Put your nose to the grindstone a little longer and THEN you can relax and enjoy your life once you have more money, freedom and flexibility.
To change your life, you need to take a different action to prove you’ve really done the inner work.
I had a choice….
Do I continue doing what I've been doing— being responsible and holding off on doing fun things until I have MORE money and success— or do I start doing those things NOW?
Pondering what to do on TikTok hehe, I found this brilliant Bashar quote:
“Do not look to the reality for the change first. You must simply know you have changed and you must behave differently towards the reality outside you even if it looks the same as it did before.
When you behave as if you have changed regardless of how the reality still may look, that's when you really have changed and when your reality can then really reflect the change.
But if you are waiting for the reality to show you that you have changed, then you haven't changed, because you're simply waiting for the reflection in the mirror to smile first instead of simply smiling first because that's what you prefer, regardless if whether there are mirrors around or not."
Your life changes when you do something new that reflects all of the inner work and healing you’ve done.
So even if you feel like you've changed, don't just wait for your reality to change-- start acting differently and then you'll see the change!
Reacting differently to the same situation than you did before is what really changes your life.
Once you prove to your Higher Soul and the Universe that you really have learned the lesson and you really have made changes on all levels, your life and reality will start to shift.
Don’t be mistaken— doing the inner work, processing things and learning the lessons are all SUPER important because they are necessary in order for you to take a different action. If you don’t consciously realize you want to make changes then you won't, right?!
BUT, don't expect your life to change without acting differently, as a different person, once you gain new wisdom.
Action seals the deal in the manifestation process. We are souls in human bodies in this physical 3D. We live in a very action-oriented world right now for a reason. You’re meant to be action oriented, too (after you’ve made the inner and energetic changes).
When you courageously do something differently than you did before, you're proving to the Universe that you really have changed within!
You’re a different person with different thought patterns, emotions and beliefs that acts differently than they did before. You’re a different person ready to live a different kind of life.
You’ll probably have fear and anxiety when you do something different— and that’s okay!
You’ll have to step out of your comfort zone when you decide to act differently than you did before.
You’ll probably feel scared, anxious and uncomfortable. That’s okay! As long as it is healthy and in alignment with the lessons you’ve learned from doing a lot of healing work, keep on going.
Remember— only when you act differently can your reality actually change.
So what did I decide to do in the end?
Despite feeling a bit anxious and uncomfortable at first… I decided to book a trip to Aruba for my birthday! 🥳
Afterwards, I knew it was the right decision because I felt super happy and excited! I was following my inner compass.
My soul felt nourished. It felt like a decision that the up-leveled, more abundant, more successful version of myself would make.
Instead of waiting for a distant future to come, I took action to prove to the Universe that I'm ready to enjoy fun and travel NOW, trusting that the increase of income, success and time flexibility would come as apart of that new life.
Taking action changes your life and shifts your reality. It’s the last step to manifestation!
And since I've booked that trip, guess what I've attracted into my life?
The past week I've had an increase in business inquiries, marketing opportunities and clients! 🤩 No joke. It's so wild!
Not only do I feel a shift in my energy, but I've also witnessed the evidence of it in my reality. The Universe is gifting me with more money and more business opportunities that allow me to experience even more fun, enjoyment and travel now, not later!
My next chapter is coming together, one piece at a time, because I chose to take a different action that aligns with that new life.
Since I’ve said “yes” to taking action that proves I live a life with more money, success and flexibility, I’m seeing that reflected back into my reality.
By taking action, my life is starting to finally shift!
Ask yourself these questions to determine how to act differently to demonstrate all the healing and inner work you’ve done…
1. What area of your life are you waiting to change to reflect back all of the inner work you’ve done?
2. What could you start doing differently to prove you've really changed, and as a result, you'll see your life shift on the outside?
3. Fight through the discomfort and DO IT! Notice how your energy shifts and how your life starts to change over the following days and weeks.
Who knows, you might be blown away like I was! 😂
And well done on all the inner work you’ve done!!! I hope this encourages you to take the leap and finally do something different to really manifest and see the changes reflected back to you.
Wishing you much love and courage! 🩷
Suzie DeVoe
Associate Certifie Pranic Healer