Energy Healing for Dissapointment and Frustration

Feeling disappointed or frustrated from a setback?

Receive Pranic Healing in this video to help you release these negative energetic blockages, see things from a higher spiritual perspective and realign your energy with your goals and dreams.

This video will help you get unstuck and let go of the past so you can move forward with hope, faith and trust that your heart-centered desires are destined for you!

When you embody the energy of what you desire AND know it will come in divine timing, the Law of Attraction will bring it more quickly and easily into your experience.

Energies like disappointment, frustration and hopelessness just slow down the manifestation of your dreams and desires. They add resistance to your path.

As long as you are open and receptive to the Pranic Healing energy in this video, you will receive what your soul is seeking.

Never forget your incredible worthiness as a soul and Divine Being! Everything you're seeking is seeking you, too.

Many blessings, Suzie 🩷

Video Transcript

Hi, I'm Suzie DeVoe. I'm an Associate Certified Pranic Healer and Founder of Rainbow Spirit Healing.

I'm passionate about helping you release what no longer serves you, what's holding you back and weighing you down, so you can step forward into the next chapter of your life and experience more of what your heart is yearning for with more fulfillment, joy, and freedom.

This mini healing video is for you if you're struggling with frustration, with disappointment and maybe a setback if things did not go like you planned or you hoped.

Maybe it's a relationship, job, money, an opportunity didn't come through. Whatever it is, this video is for you if you want to clear some of that negative, down, disappointment energy and realign with your deep purpose and passion and desire.

This video will also help fill you with the faith that it is going to come in divine timing just as it is supposed to, which might be a little different from the image in your mind.

Before we jump into the healing portion of this video, here's some thoughts and perspectives from a higher spiritual and energetic viewpoint that will help you release disappointment and realize that no matter what, things are working out for you…

#1 Daily Spiritual Connection

First, now would be a great time to connect with your spiritual connection, with your concept of God or higher power, your higher soul, whatever your spiritual practice is, do it consistently every day, because that will fill you with the energy and the perspective that everything really is working out for you.

I've seen this so many times in my life and other people's lives as well— I'm going to guarantee you right now that that relationship, that job, that opportunity, that money, whatever it is that you really had your heart set on, that was not meant for you in this form. You have to have faith that there is something better for you because you are so worthy of having everything that your heart desires.

So really look at it as a blessing. You have no idea if you had received that what would happen in a month, six months, a year, but your higher soul does. You're always being guided and protected by your higher soul, by your guides and your teachers. So really connect with that concept!

#2 What lessons did you learn?

It would be really helpful to look at this as a learning experience because sometimes our soul chooses to go through these challenges in order to learn something about ourselves and about the world and to gain some sort of wisdom that will help us further down the road.

So if it was a failed relationship, what did you learn from that?

If it was an experience that went sour again, what did you learn about that?

If it was a missed opportunity again, what did you learn about that? And what would you do differently?

We're always being led step by step by step by step towards a higher, more fulfilling life. So trust that this experience was just another stepping stone you had to take to move forward. Be grateful for it.

#3 Negative experiences give you more clarity on what you do want

There’s a powerful idea from Abraham Hicks and other manifestation material that says that experiencing things that we don't want and experiencing negative things are so useful because it helps us get crystal clear on the things we do want and adds energy and momentum to the desire for that.

For example, maybe you accepted and started a job that you thought would be your dream job, but lo and behold, you find that it actually is not a very good aligned job for you because of A, B and C.

Well, now you know going into the next job, you know to ask questions concerning A,B and C so that you can make sure that this other job is more in alignment with you.

There's simply no way you would have known that A, B and C doesn't work with you unless you had experienced that.

In this life we come here to experience a bunch of things, both positive and negative, but the negative things make us really clear about the positive things we don’t want. They're so valuable in that respect.

There's no way you can hang on to frustration and disappointment and hopelessness and all the low feelings when you look at the situation through a higher spiritual perspective.

How Pranic Healing Works

Okay, now let’s talk about the mini healing portion of the video. I practice Pranic Healing which was founded by a Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui.

I absolutely love this modality. It's so cool! It’s a system of cleansing and energizing. So a lot of the session is clearing away negative energy, used up energy, negative emotional energy and negative thought energy.

Once these are cleared out of your chakras, your aura, etheric organs and your meridians, then you're energized with fresh life force energy that's imbued with the frequency of how you want to be feeling moving forward.

Within one full session clients feel noticeably different. In a full session it’s much more intense and involved and deep. We clear every single major chakra and different organs that need clearing. It’s really individualized towards you and your energy body and your needs.

In this video, it's going to be shorter. I’m just going to help clear a few major chakras that most likely have the energies of disappointment, frustration and anything preventing you from completely aligning with what you want with joy and faith and passion.

I recommend laying down in a nice, quiet place during it. You can leave the video on and just stay connected to me. You don't need to be watching it, but have it on next to you and just intend during the whole thing that you are receiving the healing energy.

If you are interested in deeper healing and you're really serious about healing this and aligning on a deeper level with your heart's desire so you can attract it more quickly, more rapidly, more easily into, into your reality and feeling a lot brighter, then check out my services here.

Let's start with an opening prayer to bring in higher divine energy and make this mini healing video more safe and effective….

👉 Click here to connect and receive healing energy in the video


5 Powerful, Positive Affirmations to Heal Your Chakras


The Advantages and Disadvantages of Pranic Healing