3 Powerful, Easy Ways to Protect Your Energy

If you’re more sensitive to energy, you’ve probably Googled more than once how to protect your energy (I definitely have!).

When you become more sensitive to energy on your journey of self-development and spiritual evolution, you’ll be more aware of the quality of energy from different people, places and environments. 

Have you ever experienced:

  • Walking into a place, like a bar, casino, hospital or nursing home, and feeling uncomfortable, icky, uneasy or depressed. You probably feel the need to get in and get out, fast.

  • Talking to someone who’s complaining and negative and feeling the need to end the conversation. As the conversation goes on, you feel more and more negative.

  • Flying into a big megacity and feeling more anxious and stressed or buzzing with frantic energy.

  • Going into your workplace feeling bright, happy and joyful but when you leave, you feel more anxious, stressed out and grumpy.

  • Someone is staring at you in a rude way and you start to feel uncomfortable and irritated at them.

  • Feeling okay until someone directs their anger at you and suddenly you go from 0-100 and get into it with them.  

If you’ve experienced any of the situations above, you’ve felt the negative energy of the people or places around you. You actually absorb the energy from these people and places and feel it within your own energy system.

The energy you absorb and interact with are mainly thoughts, feelings and emotions and the overall energy field of the people and places at that moment in time.

We do this with all the people and places we interact with– both good and bad. That’s why it’s smart to surround yourself with positive people and consciously spend time in more positive, calming and rejuvenating environments. In those positive interactions, we actually absorb the positive energy of those people and places and co-create a more positive, synergistic experience for everyone involved.

But it’s inevitable that we have to interact with more negative people and places that might bring down our mood and energy levels, because that’s life!

We all have to work, interact with less than savory family members and go to places out of necessity sometimes.

In those places, you should use some form of energetic protection to maintain a more positive, light and joyful mood in more negative or gloomy places. When you protect your energy field in those situations, you’ll absorb less of the energy of places and people into your own energy field.

Here’s three powerful and easy ways to protect your own energy that doesn’t require manipulation of energy that takes more practice (like working with energy shields or crystals). I saved the most powerful one for last!

By the way, this knowledge isn’t mine. It’s from the book Practical Psychic Self-Defense for Home and Office by Master Choa Kok Sui, the founder of Pranic Healing. If you want to dive deep into energy protection, this is the book!!!

1. Crossing your Arms and Legs 

When someone is venting or getting angry at you, do you instinctually cross your arms or legs? If so, you’ve got good instincts!

When your aura, or your energy field that surrounds your body, is more expansive, open and soft, it is easy for outside energies to penetrate it. 

But when your aura is more tightly packed in, it’s harder for outside energies to penetrate and influence it.


When you cross your arms and legs, you “close your aura,” as Master Choa Kok Sui says in the book. You make your aura like the latter– more tightly packed in so whatever energies are directed to you bounce off.

Crossing both your arms and your legs at the same time is the most powerful technique, because you harden and shield the top and bottom parts of your aura. You’re completely shielded.

This is best to use when generally trying to shield yourself in environments or interacting with strangers, salesmen or energy vampires.

You can also do just one or the other– only arms or legs. This is better to do when you’re protecting yourself from someone whom you have a relationship with. 

So if your boss, friend or family member is talking to you, only cross your arms or your legs. Some of the negative energy directed towards you will bounce back to them and make them more negative or angry, so better to bounce back only a bit to them and absorb some into your own aura to prevent the situation from escalating.

2. Exercise and Meditation

Ever noticed after an exercise or meditation session, it’s easier for you to maintain feeling good, even in more trying situations?

That’s because exercise and meditation strengthens your aura– it makes it bigger and harder to penetrate by outside energies. When your aura has more life force flowing through it, it will expand and get stronger. 

Weaker auras of people who are less healthy physically and mentally are easier for outside energies to penetrate and affect. 

energetic protection

Regular physical exercise expels dirty, used up energy in the physical body, chakras, energy channels and aura. As energetic blockages and stagnant energies are expelled, more fresh life force can flow which makes the aura and energy system more bright, healthy and strong.  That’s why you feel so good after a workout!!

So exercise creates a natural energy shield.

Similarly, most forms of meditation bring down a downpour of spiritual energy into the energy system. This spiritual energy strengthens and expands the aura, making it harder to penetrate by outside energies.

Meditation creates a natural energy shield, too. Woohoo!

3. Non-Reaction and Blessing with Love

This is the most powerful one. So powerful that even if you make an energetic shield on yourself or carry a protective crystal, if you emotionally react with negativity to a person or situation, all of your protective techniques go out the window.

Non-reaction means to stay calm, centered and clear-minded in more negative situations. 

As soon as you react with similar negative thoughts or emotions, you’ll be vulnerable to absorbing the negative energy directed at you. 

This is due to the Law of Attraction and Law of Karma. The Law of Attraction says “like attracts like.” If you practice negative thoughts or emotions, you’ll be attracting the same energy back to you.

The Law of Karma says that whatever you sow you reap. Whatever you do to others you will bring to yourself. This can be good or bad thoughts, emotions, words or deeds.

So if someone gets mad at you and you get angry back at them, you’ll be attracting more anger energy to you from them.  You’ll also be karmically entitled for that person to direct their anger at you since you did the same to them.

This is hard but there’s no way around it. You have to practice awareness of your thoughts and emotions. You have to practice controlling them instead of losing control. You can’t be lazy or sloppy. You have to stay focused and aware during these situations to protect your energy.

When you practice non-reaction, the negative energy directed towards you will literally bounce off of your aura and be directed back to the person that sent it, but with a “boomerang” effect. So it will be more powerful coming back to them.

The problem with a “boomerang” effect is that it will make that person more upset/angry/negative and the situation can escalate.

To harmonize the situation and transmute the negative energy directed towards you, mentally bless that person with love, compassion and peace. You can literally do this during an interaction.

Focus on your heart area to activate your heart center, the center of love. Mentally say and feel in your heart, “I bless this person with so much love, compassion, inner peace and harmony.” You don’t have to say those exact words, just intend that they be filled with peace and love. 


This is powerful. Love is a harmonizing, healing and transmuting energy. You can literally shift a relationship or situation just by blessing it with love. It’s amazing how simple yet powerful this can be!

So, non-reaction plus blessing with love is the most powerful method of energetic protection!

I challenge you– choose one of these today and practice it! In Pranic Healing, we’re taught to always experiment with energy and validate it for ourselves.

See how you feel before in a more negative environment or with more negative people, then practice one of these techniques.

How do you feel while using it? Does the situation change at all?

Practice it then comment below– how did it feel and what happened?

Sending you so much love, healing and protection!!



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