How Does Energy Healing Work??

The #1 question I get is: How the frick does energy healing work?

To some it seems like magic; to others it seems like BS; to even more it’s “woo-woo” and only for people who sit in circles OMing together like they’re on drugs.

It’s none of these things and it’s for everyone who have an open mind and are willing to understand it.

Once you understand how our energy body works and how it’s intimately connected to our physical body, mind and emotions— you’ll understand it intellectually like anything else in our physical reality.

I love the mystical side of energy healing, but it needs to be demystified so more people can open up to it and receive it’s incredible benefits!

All of my training and knowledge comes from the founder of Pranic Healing, Master Choa Kok Sui, as well as the current Masters and instructors of Pranic Healing.

Master Choa Kok Sui spent years studying and testing different ancient modalities of healing to create a systematic form of healing based on experimentation. He applied a scientific approach to a spiritual realm that I’ve never seen anywhere else.

This week, I’ll explain how energy healing, specifically Pranic Healing, heals the physical body. This is the foundation to understanding how energy healing works.

To explore how Pranic Healing heals the emotions and the mind, click here.

Okay, let’s break it down.

Life Energy, Prana, Chi, Ki-- it’s the same thing. It keeps us alive!

This energy keeps our physical body alive. When someone dies, their life energy leaves their body.

This life energy is everywhere! It exists in different forms and we absorb it in different ways.

It primarily comes from the sun, air and ground. Solar prana is the energy from sunlight. Air prana floats around in the air. Ground prana is the energy that radiates from the Earth.

Water carries energy from all three sources. Our food has energy from the sun, ground, air and water in different combinations.

As humans, we get energy from a combination of the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breath, the ground we walk on, the sunlight we get and also through our energy body.

Every person is surrounded and interpenetrated by a luminous energy body.

This luminous energy body is also called the “etheric double” because it’s a copy of our physical body. You have energetic eyeballs that interpenetrate your physical eyeballs; you have energetic organs that interpenetrate your physical organs; and so on.

This energy body and our physical body are directly connected. Each one affects the other. If the energy body is disrupted by negative emotions, it will negatively affect the physical body. If the physical body is damaged, the energy body will be damaged in that same area.

The purpose of this energy body is to absorb the different types of prana from our surroundings, distribute it through the body and energize the whole physical body. Energy is transported through meridians, or energy channels, just like blood travels through blood vessels.

Chakras are funnel-shaped, whirling vortices that control and energize different parts of the body. They pump fresh energy from our surroundings into the meridians to energize their part of the body and pump out used up energy from these areas. You have hundreds of chakras-- a system of major, minor and mini chakras.

In most healing modalities, energy is manipulated in this energy body to positively affect the healing of the physical body.

Pranic Healing is based on two laws. The first is the Law of Self-Recovery.

The body is always self-healing. You get a cut and your body heals itself in a few days. Your body and it’s intricate hierarchy of systems and cells are conscious and intelligent-- they’re always working in sync to heal and get back into balance. 

Your cells are in their own natural cycles of birth and death. If the cells are being restored at the same rate as they’re degenerating, that part of the body maintains excellent health.

If your cells can’t restore or replace old, damaged cells at the same rate, that part of the body slowly degenerates and will show signs of disease and aging over time.

The second is the Law of Life Energy.

The body must have prana, chi, life energy to exist. The more life energy it has circulating through it, the faster the rate of self-recovery.

Compare how much faster a child’s injury heals than an injury of a senior heals. That’s because children have much more life energy than older people. 

The rate of cell recovery is determined by how much life energy they receive from the energy body. 

If you increase the amount of life energy in a person’s body or in the area of an injury, the cells can regenerate faster and the rate of self-healing increases.

Physical disease is caused by imbalances in the natural flow of energy.

Imbalances in the flow of energy can be caused by malfunctioning chakras or blocked meridians.

When chakras malfunction, they can’t pump as much life energy into their areas of the physical body. Over time, these areas degenerate faster than they can regenerate, which will eventually result in disease or illness.

When meridians get blocked, energy can’t flow. That area of the body can’t get enough fresh life energy, and the cells in that area can’t regenerate as fast as they naturally should.

As those cells slowly degenerate over time, that part of the body will start to deteriorate and be susceptible to illness and disease.

Negative emotions are the primary cause of imbalances in the energy body.

I’m not talking about feeling sad for a few minutes. Negative emotions come and go, and that’s how our emotions naturally cycle in a healthy way.

I’m talking about negative emotions that you bottle up inside; negative emotions that you don’t process and keep stuck in your unconscious mind; negative emotions that you deny and resist; negative emotions that you practice habitually, everyday.

They cause chakras to malfunction and blockages in the meridians.

Most diseases are at least partially emotional in nature. Over years, repressed or consistently practiced negative emotions will create imbalances in the natural flow of life energy to certain areas of the body. As these cells degenerate faster than they can regenerate because of the reduced supply of life energy, that part of the body either starts to malfunction or becomes susceptible to illness.

In his book Miracles Through Pranic Healing, Master Choa Kok Sui gives an example of people who harbor a lot of anger and frustration. Anger and frustration tend to create energetic imbalances in the abdomen and the heart areas. In the short run, this could manifest as digestive issues. Over time, that area of the body degenerates more and could results in ulcers or gall bladder issues. For other people, it could result in heart-related issues. 

So how does Pranic Healing fit into all of this?

In Pranic Healing, energetic imbalances are corrected.

Chakras that are malfunctioning are healed and restored back to their proper function. Fresh life energy is pumped into all parts of the body in sufficient amounts and old, stagnant energy is pumped out.

Negative emotions causing blockages are removed so life energy can flow unobstructed again. Not only do you feel better physically; you also feel much better emotionally and mentally.

As life force can properly flow, cells can receive the proper amount of life energy they need to regenerate at a faster speed and physical healing takes place.

This applies to injuries (like a broken bone), more complicated diseases (like diabetes or cancer) or the natural aging process (the aging process can be slowed down or even reversed).

In Pranic Healing, the amount of life energy is increased in a particular part of the body to increase the rate of healing. 

After the chakra is rebalanced and blockages are removed, the Pranic Healer directs fresh life energy into the energy body to increase the rate of healing in that part of the body.

The biochemical rate of healing increases by three times in that part of the body. This results in a faster rate of healing than normal, creating what some would say a “miracle” healing.

And that’s how Pranic Healing heals the physical body!

Click here to explore how Pranic Healing can heal your emotions and mind.

Thanks for reading! If you have any comments or questions, please comment below!

Much love, light and blessings to you :)


Energy Healing for Opening the Heart to Gratitude and Love


Part III: Pranic Healing Session for Cravings and Addiction