Part II: 3 Powerful Tools to Overcome Cravings Using Energy

When you’ve got powerful cravings in the moment, what do you do? How do you get through them without caving in?

We know that cravings are caused by little energetic parasites in the invisible energy world called “negative elementals.”

The first step to reducing their power is recognizing that these aren’t you, they’re little energetic bugs and heck no, you’re not going to feed them!!

The second step is to use one of these powerful energetic tools to reduce these buggers in the moment, which will drastically decrease your cravings when you’re struggling.

The next time you have cravings, I challenge you to try at least one of these and notice how you feel before and after.

Tool #1: Deep Abdominal Breathing

It sounds dumb unless you’ve tried it...yeah, yeah, just breath! But this isn’t any kind of breathing.

It’s deep abdominal breathing in the pattern of 6-3-6-3 for 12 cycles, which is about 3 and half minutes.

This technique is so powerful! With different breathing patterns, we can manipulate the energy in our body to do certain things.

This technique cleanses the entire energy body and sucks in a lot of new life force energy into your system which will make you feel calm, refreshed and reenergized. The size of your aura will probably double or triple!

It also cleans and calms the solar plexus chakra, which is the center for craving and desire. That’s where a majority of the addiction elementals are living because that’s also where a lot of our negative lower emotions are that they feed on.

As you do this exercise, the amount of negative elementals in your solar plexus chakra will decrease and any negative emotions you’re feeling will decrease. You’ll find your cravings reducing, too!

To do this exercise, sit down and sit up straight.

You’ll breathe with your lower belly, not your chest which a lot of us do. Your belly should physically go outward in the inhale and go into your body on the exhale. 

In between breaths you’ll hold for three seconds. The power of this exercise is in the holds, so don’t skip them!

Before you start, rate any negative emotions and cravings from 1-10, 1 being extremely mild to 10 being extremely powerful.

Set the timer on your phone for around 3 and a half minutes.

Start your timer and counting on your own, deeply inhale with your belly for 6 seconds and fill up your entire lungs without straining.

Then hold your breath for 3 seconds.

Slowly exhale for 6 seconds and empty your lungs without straining.

Hold your breath for 3 seconds.

That’s one cycle. Repeat until your timer is up and finish out the last cycle.

Now rate your negative emotions and cravings from 1-10. How much did they decrease?!

#2 Whiteboard Technique

This is actual energy work you can do on yourself to weaken your cravings!

You’ll be externalizing the negative thoughts, emotions and negative elementals that are causing your cravings and disintegrating, or destroying them. I got this from Pranic Psychotherapy by Master Choa Kok Sui.

Before you do this, rate the severity if your cravings from 1-10, 10 being the most severe.

If you want to make it more effective, make a prayer before to the Supreme Being, Higher Spiritual Beings and Healing Angels and humbly ask to remove your cravings and addiction.

Set your phone alarm to five minutes for this exercise.

Relax and do deep abdominal breathing.

Visualize a white board in front of you. 

With intention, project all of the cravings, negative elementals, and thoughts and emotions feeding the cravings onto the whiteboard through your palms. Do this for a few seconds. Your intention is more important than the actual visualization.

Next, say “Erase, Erase, Erase” like you really mean it and at the same time, erase all of the gunk you projected onto the whiteboard with your hands using brilliant, electric white light with a tinge of violet. Imagine this light is coming out of your hands at the same time and helping you erase the whiteboard clean.

That’s it! One round will remove a layer of the negative elementals, thoughts and emotions feeding the cravings.

Repeat this process for the remainder of the 5 minutes for substantial relief.

When your timer is up, say a quick prayer of gratitude to the Higher Beings who helped you if you said a prayer at the beginning.

Now rate the severity of your cravings from 1-10. How much did they decrease?!

Tool #3: Pranic Healing Sessions

This is the one technique that removes ALL of the negative elementals and negative psychic energy that’s feeding the elementals.

In a Pranic Healing Psychotherapy session, I go into your chakras and energy body and actually disintegrate and remove the negative elementals and negative thoughts and emotions creating your cravings and addiction issues. 

I also strengthen your energy body so that it’s harder for negative elementals to attach. We end the healing by creating new positive thought and emotional patterns to send you off feeling confident, light and free!!

If you’re sick of struggling and want to feel freedom from your cravings, check out the healing packages I offer!

If you aren’t ready to invest in full sessions and but still want some energy work to remove a lot of the negative elementals causing your craving and addiction issues, watch the 30 minute Virtual Pranic Healing Session for Cravings and Addiction!

By tapping into this virtual session, you’ll actually get a 30 minute healing by just staying connected and open to the healing energy. It’s wild how it works!

And my last piece of advice to you is…

Do things that make you HAPPY!

Have you noticed that you only have cravings when you’re feeling stressed, lonely, angry, etc? That’s because the negative elementals feed off of that negative psychic energy and demand more of their substance by causing cravings in you.

So if you’re feeling happy, positive, uplifted and joyful, the negative elementals can’t stay on you because you don’t have any negative psychic energy active in you for them to feed! When have you had terrible cravings when you’re feeling blissed out? Never.

Get your mind off of your problems and do something that makes you happy…listen to your favorite song, watch your favorite show, call your best friend, anything to make you feel uplifted and out of the emotional darkness where you get cravings!

I hope these tools are helpful when you’re struggling.

Let me know in the comments how you felt before and after using one of these tools! Have a Happy Halloween :)


Part III: Pranic Healing Session for Cravings and Addiction


Pranic Healing Session for Anxiety & Worry