The Secret Way to Overcome Anxiety and Worry

Have you ever been super worried or anxious about an event coming up, a relationship, your career, your health, and you really want it to turn out well? And you find that the anxiety and worry only makes it harder to bring your best self to the situation and get the result you want?

We’ve all been there...and from my own experience, I want to let you in on an easier, more beautiful way to let go of the anxiety and worry and bring your best, highest vibrational self to shift that challenge into a beautiful experience.

And that’s asking to be an instrument of your soul, spirit and the Universe.

Let me explain my recent experience of this.

The weekend before last I had a healing booth at the Body Mind Spirit Expo. It was my first time doing a a full 3 day event like that in public and I literally had quit my job 2 days before to go full time with Rainbow Spirit Healing before the money was actually rolling in, because I felt super called to step up and do this work full time.

So, as you can imagine, I came into this event super anxious and worried!

It brought up all of my insecurities about myself, my ability to do this work, the ability to support myself with this work, but also if I’d made the right decision to leave a job that I hated but it paid my bills.

So the first day of the event, the emotions and thoughts of my ego of lower frequencies really owned the show. I was comparing myself to other vendors, getting down that people were just passing by my booth with no interest, and my first healing of the expo the lady wasn’t happy with it. I got through the day, I channeled some good healings, but it definitely wasn’t smooth.

That night, I decided that this wasn’t working.

I was going to make the best of this, and even if I have only a few healings for the next few days, I was going to hand it over to the Universe and ask to be an instrument of healing to the people that really needed healing.

No comparing, no anxiety about sales/money, no worries about people passing by my booth not caring, my only intention was to be an instrument and follow my intuition in the healings and just be a channel of the energy that needs to come through me.

Before I went in the second day, I did a prayer and asked the Universe take over and use me for the highest good.

With this attitude and this higher frequency of service, of trust, of faith in the Universe and my higher soul, I started to attract people who really wanted healing, were super receptive to the energy, and had amazing results. 

This demonstrates the power of the law of attraction, the universal law of like frequency attracts like frequency. As I increased my vibration, I attracted higher vibrational experiences into my reality.

I also started to be grateful that the people who didn’t interact with my booth and glazed over it, didn’t come to me because they weren’t ready for the healing and energy that I was channeling and that’s perfectly okay!

I was super happy with day 2 and as I went into day 3, I had really embraced this and again, I did a prayer in the morning that I be an instrument of the Universe for healing and I asked that I would be supported the way I needed to in my business.

In this way, I could let go of my anxiety, worry and control of the situation.

And what da know, my third day was the best day!

I had amazing clients all day who wanted and were ready for that intensive healing. They were able to receive the energy from the Universe and higher beings that their soul was ready for. It felt so incredible to be an instrument and not need to worry or be anxious because I could see and feel the power I was channeling.

I ended the last day on a super high note, and this was my biggest lesson of the weekend.

So now I ask you, in what area of your life do you have a lot of anxiety and worry over right now? Maybe it’s in your career, a relationship, maybe you’re worried about an important event coming up or outcome.

Right now, choose and identify the situation.

Now take a moment and think- if you let go of the anxiety and worry about this, and ask to be an instrument of whatever the Universe wants to give to this situation, what would you be used for? What type of energy would flow through you to heal the situation and turn it into the best experience possible?

For me it was healing energy for people that needed it.

Maybe for a difficult relationship that you’re worried about, the Universe wants you to be an instrument of love and acceptance. Maybe for your career, the Universe wants to flow through you the skills, love and new ideas to help your company or help clients. Maybe for your health, the universe wants to flow through you acceptance, love, nurturing and healing for your body. Maybe for a big event coming up for you, the Universe wants to flow the highest-vibe and most useful information to help others understand themselves and the world around them.

So take a moment right and really think, what does the Universe, my higher soul, my spirit guides, what do they want to flow through me as an instrument to uplift and help our planet evolve?

I leave you with a prayer whenever you are struggling. Whatever situation is giving us the most anxiety and worry, let lower frequencies go and be instruments of the Universe.

“I ask the Universe, I ask all the higher beings, angels, our spiritual teachers and guides, I ask my higher soul, to use me as your instrument to bring more love, light and high frequencies to this situation. Please use me fully, as I’m yours and I bow to the desire of our my higher soul. I give my anxiety and worry to you, and ask that I be fully supported, loved and successful in my endeavors. With love and in full faith, so be it.”

If you struggle with this and you want to tap into a virtual psychotherapy healing for anxiety and worry, connect here.

Let’s try more to be channels, to be instruments, knowing that the higher frequencies that come through us will attract to us what we need, what we want, and beyond! What a beautiful world we live in!!

So much love, light and blessings to you.


Pranic Healing Session for Anxiety & Worry