Exploring the Body-Mind Connection

Do you struggle with chronic migraines? Digestive issues? Chronic aches and pains? 

Are you at a loss for how to end your painful symptoms outside of traditional pharmaceutical drugs (which only address the symptoms, not the root cause)?

If so, have you also explored the possible mental or emotional cause of your physical health issues?

The Body-Mind Connection

Western society is taking the intimate relationship between the body, mind, emotions and spirit increasingly more seriously than it did before. Even in western medicine, “stress” is considered a legitimate cause of a number of health issues.

Trained experts such as M.D.’s, scientists and psychologists have written books exploring the mind-body connection such as Gabor Mate, M.D. (When the Body Says No), Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D. (The Body Keeps The Score), Michael J. Lincoln PH.D. (Messages from the Body) and Dr. Joe Dispenza (You Are the Placebo).

Human consciousness in the 21st century is waking up to the body-mind connection and exploring holistic and spiritual perspectives of healing that more traditional cultures have used to heal for centuries.

As an energy healing practitioner, I’ve recently been working with more people with physical health issues. It’s been fascinating to discover the deeper mental and emotional imbalances fueling their physical issues within our sessions!

body-mind connection

Physical Health Issues as Manifestations of Mental and Emotional Imbalances

Physical health issues are typically 3D manifestations of mental and emotional imbalances or incongruences. 

I say "typically" because other factors of disease include toxins in the environment, germs/viruses, poor diet, lack of physical movement, past-life karma, etc..

Limiting beliefs systems keeping you stuck, negative thought patterns and repressed/unprocessed negative emotions cause energetic blockages in various parts of the etheric, or energy, body. Then, they have a corresponding negative affect on the physical body. This is really key to the body-mind connection!

These energetic blockages reduce the flow of life force energy to those cells of the body over time. This makes these areas more weak and susceptible to disease, illness and injury.

Your cells have their own consciousness that also respond to Law of Attraction and will attract in a similar experience that matches their own frequency.

Disease as Release of Tension in the Psyche

When there is a build-up of stress, imbalance or tension in the psyche, it needs to find a way out, similar to a buildup of steam. This concept is expounded upon in Esoteric Healing By Alice A. Bailey.

It could be a buildup of stress, anxiety, fear, trauma, etc. Whatever negative thought or emotional energy that is building up within will need to find a release somewhere, someway.

If you don’t naturally process, release or express these negative thoughts or emotions in a healthy way, they will stay repressed and have to release another way.

One of the “last resorts” of your being will be to release through the physical body in the form of illness or disease. The buildup can happen over a period of a few months to years before physical illness manifests.

From this perspective, your physical health issue is a clearing and rebalancing mechanism for the psyche. Although our ego sees physical disease and illness as a negative thing, our higher soul sees it as a neutral, natural correcting process.

Rebalance the body mind emotions

Negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs that cause illness and disease are NOT who you truly are— the soul.

This is such an important reminder to you! Let it sink in.

Any belief, thought or emotion you hold that does not feel good in your heart, mind or body is NOT who you truly are-- the soul!

If an energy is causing a blockage in your energy system that is contributing to physical disease and illness, it does not resonate with your soul energy. It is “foreign” or “unnatural” to your true way of being.

You maybe have adopted this incorrect belief system or negative way of thinking or feeling as a child from your family, school or culture when you were absorbing a lot and learning how the world works from your environment.

After you internalized this negative thought or emotion as your own, it became a habit and you continued to think and feel that way, even if it doesn’t resonate with your soul or higher self.

Because these negative thoughts and emotions aren’t who you truly are, you CAN release and let go of these. View them as foreign or alien! They aren’t who you truly are.

You CAN adapt more empowering belief systems and positive mental and emotional patterns that do resonate with your soul energy and the truth of who you are.

Examples of these include belief systems, thought patterns and emotions fueled by worthiness, empowerment, respect to life, love, peace, freedom, hope and faith that everything really is working out for you.

Because you ARE worthy, powerful, free, loving, joyful, peaceful and hopeful as your Divine Essence. Everything really is possible for you when you step out of your self-imposed limitations and your higher soul, spirit guides and teachers and the Universe really are looking out for you and conspiring for you.

Instead of causing energetic blockages and disrupting your life flow energy, these mental and emotional energies increase the flow of life force energy that feed the cells of your body.

They increase your life force energy because they align with the truth of who you are, the soul. These positive thoughts and emotions actually heal your physical body!

​When you choose to dive into the mental and emotional aspect to healing your physical body, not only can you experience healing, but also a new level of happiness, peace, joy and wholeness on all levels of your being!

positive thinking feeling healing

Ask yourself the following questions about your physical health issue to help uncover the deeper mental, emotional and energetic root...

1. When did your physical symptoms begin?

Look at whatever else was happening in your life leading up to this issue. 

This could reveal clues about the root.

For example, maybe the few years leading up to your liver disease you started working under a lot of pressure at a stressful job and experienced more anger and frustration day-to-day.

2. When do you experience flair-ups of symptoms? 

What experiences do you encounter leading up to a flair-up or reoccurrence of symptoms? 

This could be an indicator of the root.

As another example, maybe you notice that your digestive issues tend to come after you have a difficult disagreement or conflict with your spouse.

3. If stress is a factor, dig deeper into your relationship with stress.

Why are you pushing yourself so hard out of balance? 

Are you a perfectionist and why? 

Do you have issues with worthiness and hold a very high standard for yourself? 

Are you a “yes” person when you need to learn to say "no" more? 

Do you have poor boundaries? 

Are you simply recreating a stressful adult life from experiencing a stressful childhood?

Your answers will point you to the belief, thought pattern or repressed emotion that is keeping you in a cycle of stress and fueling your health issue.

4. What part of the body is your health issue? Research the possible mental or emotional meaning. 

But don't take them as fact! See if any resonate with your heart and gut.

Treat it like oracle cards or astrology-- approach them with curiosity. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

5. What core mental or emotional wounds have you had since childhood that continue replaying in your life with different people and situations?

Have you had low-self esteem since childhood?

Do you secretly believe that you aren’t lovable enough?

Do you have control issues? Do you have walls up around your heart so others can’t hurt you?

Do you still carry unresolved trauma that you’ve managed to push down and pretend isn’t still affecting you?

What comes up for you? This could be a big clue!

The answer is always within you!

Your task is to uncover it from within your subconscious mind.

This is how I like working with my clients. I always assume they have the answer within and try to help them remove whatever is blocking them from being conscious of it using Pranic Healing.

In addition to these questions, I also recommend doing something that clears your energy field and then asking yourself what the root cause is in a quiet, meditative state.

Activities that clear your energy field include physical exercise, being in nature, laughing in good company, meditation or hobby/activity that you find very enjoyable and uplifting.

After you feel more clear and your mind is calmer, sit in silence and wait for any intuitive information to come through. 

You might be surprised at what you learn. Give it a try!

Energy Healing Addresses the Root Cause of Physical Disease

When I work with clients with physical health issues, I help clear energetic blockages in their etheric, or energy, body, which has a corresponding healing affect on their physical body.

I also focus on clearing the biggest mental and emotional blockages that are causing these energetic blockages and manifesting as physical illness and disease.

As I work in the sessions, I try to feel into what the mental and emotional blockages are and receive clarity on the solution to correcting the mental, emotional or physical imbalances.

I always recommend a package of 5 or 10 sessions depending on the severity of the issue. If a mental or emotional imbalance has manifested physically, this indicates to me that more sessions are probably needed since the original imbalance needed a decent amount of time and energy to manifest itself into the 3D.

To explore working together, book a free 20 minute Discovery Call with me.

I’d love to connect and see how I can assist you!

Many blessings and wishing you ease in finding the right solutions for your health issues,

Suzie DeVoe, Associate Certified Pranic Healer


Energy Healing for the Physical Body, Disease, Illness and Injury


Four Spiritual Truths I’ve Found to be True as an Energy Healer