“Why Am I Feeling Down?” Here’s the Two Biggest Reasons Why.

Hey, you. How have you been feeling in your heart recently?

If you've been experiencing waves of anger, anxiety, fear, grief or negativity coming to the surface, you aren't alone!!

Holy Moly.

I've seen myself, friends, family and clients struggle with processing and releasing heavier energies recently. Heavy energies like trauma, anger, resentment, anxiety, fear and unworthiness have been coming up in many people in my world, including myself.

People have been projecting their unprocessed issues onto others and others have been taking it all personally, only to feel more hurt and wounded. It’s a dark and vicious cycle of wounded people hurting other people who become wounded themselves.

This isn't just happening with individuals-- it's happening on a global level since we're all connected! It's being reflected in increased polarity, anger, anxiety, intolerance and violence around the world. I mean, have you seen the news recently?!

There’s a lot of energy stewing within all of us and on a global level.

But what does it all mean? How do we clear the energetic gunk coming up and out of our hearts?

Here's 2 big reasons why you're not feeling great mentally and emotionally through the lens of energy, healing and spirituality...

why am I feeling down

#1 You're weighed down by negative energy, thoughts and emotions that aren’t naturally being released or processed as they come up.

How good are you at feeling, processing, learning from and releasing negative emotions?

When you resist the natural ebb and flow of the vast range of emotions, they get stuck in your energy system and as a result, you don't feel good mentally or emotionally.

Things like grief, sadness, anger, doubt, fear, anxiety, stress and negativity are big ones I see people struggling with in these times. They could be your unprocessed emotions or the energy of others if you are very compassionate and empathetic. It's probably a combination of both!

To shift the negative energy, thoughts and emotions that are weighing you down, you can relax in nature, meditate, journal, move your body, cry or receive energy work.

This is the biggest thing I help clients with using Pranic Healing! When you clear layers of your heaviness with each session, you can feel more light, bright and like yourself again.

What I love about energy work is that when your inner world changes, your life changes as well.

You become a half glass full person. You have more enjoyable interactions with people, you attract more success, abundance and opportunities. It's easier to see and feel grateful for the beautiful things in your life.

Things just start flowing again!

#2 Not living your life authentically in accordance with your inner truth and the deeper desires of your heart and soul.

In other words, for whatever reason, you are not living in alignment.

Have you experienced this before?

When you resist the whisperings of your soul, you experience more negative emotions and thoughts because you aren’t experiencing the high frequency feelings of fulfillment, joy and freedom from living a life you absolutely love.

Maybe you don't like your job. Or you want to attract in your soulmate. Or your relationships aren't as fulfilling as you'd like. Maybe you're not making the money you know you're worth. Or you dream of living a different kind of life than you're currently experiencing.

Just to be clear— it's natural to always want to experience more. It's part of your evolutionary process as a soul in a physical body. That’s why it feels so sweet to continuously learn, grow, change and experience the next level in all areas of life!

However, if you feel stuck and you feel like you’re not moving forward as easily or smoothly as you'd like, you probably have an inner blockage holding you back.

Maybe it's repressed trauma or fear or unworthiness. Maybe it's poverty consciousness or limiting beliefs keeping you stuck. Different people have different types of repressed emotions, negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that keep them stuck.

When I work with clients in this situation, the goal is to uncover and remove the inner energetic blockages that are holding them back from fully stepping into next chapter.

Layers of negative energies, thoughts and emotions will block a clear vision from coming through and block the ability to take strategic, consistent action.

As these layers are removed with Pranic Healing sessions, clarity comes. Ideas to take actions come into my client's awareness and they feel more confident and empowered to follow through and make it a reality.

Receive Pranic Healing energy in this mini session to help you clear some of your inner blockages now!

Remember-- you aren't alone!

Divine timing dictates that this is the time for many of us to work through dark parts of ourselves so we can better share our light, love and gifts with others who need them.

Periods of healing and transformation are messy, dark and isolating before the light emerges on the other side. But on the other side of healing is a brighter, happier and more aligned life waiting for you!

Have courage, faith and don't hesitate to reach out and connect with others for love and support!

Many blessings 🙏💕



Four Spiritual Truths I’ve Found to be True as an Energy Healer


Energy Healing for Empowerment, Getting Unstuck and Moving Forward