12 Easy Ways to Self-Heal your Body and Mind

There’s so many ways you can self-heal yourself! You have the power to heal your own energy, body, mind and emotions. Here’s twelve ways to heal yourself!

All of these have a positive, cleansing effect on your energy centers, or chakras, and energy system. The health of your chakras and energy system have a direct affect on the health of your body, mind and emotions.

By keeping your chakras and energy system healthy and vibrant, you support the natural healing of your body and mind. To learn more about the connection between the energy system, body and mind, click here.

A lot of these methods are well-known healthy habits. They’re healthy habits because they have a cleansing effect on your chakras and energy system.

The more clean and clear your chakras are, the more life force energy can flow. Life force energy makes you feel mentally and emotionally elevated, happy, joyful and calm. It also feeds every cell of your body and increases the natural healing rate of your cells and physical body.

Therefore, these healthy habits actually heal you! 

Take a holistic approach to these methods. The more of these you practice together, the stronger the self-healing effect will be on your body, mind and emotions.


Start self-healing now with these 12 tools…

  1. Do Physical Exercise

Physical exercise has a cleansing effect on the chakras and energy system. During physical exercise, your chakras are activated and actually expel negative energy and energetic blockages. This increases your natural flow of life force energy.

That’s why exercise makes you feel so much better mentally, emotionally and physically. The clearer your energy system is and the more life force energy is flowing, the faster your body and mind can naturally heal.

Fresh, natural foods like fruits and vegetables have more life force energy. Eat them to self-heal your body, mind and emotions.

2. Eat Natural, Healthy Foods

The foods we eat have different degrees of life force energy in them. Not only do we absorb the nutrients in food, our energy system also absorbs the life force energy that the food carries. More life force energy = healthier body and mind.

Fresh fruits and vegetables have the most life force in them, so eat more of them. The more cooked and processed a food is, the less life force energy it has.

Therefore, eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. They will have more life force energy to feed your energy system and chakras, which increases the health of the body and mind.

3. Take Time for Sleep, Rest and Relaxation

Western culture pressures us to always be productive at the cost of resting. Over time, this creates imbalances and illness in your mind, emotions and body.

In other words, if you don’t cultivate a balanced lifestyle, your health will suffer over time.

When you are sleeping, resting or relaxing, your energy system and chakras put more life force energy into repairing the physical body and rebalancing the mind and emotions.

In contrast, when you’re more productive, active and focused, the majority of your life force energy is going into whatever you're doing instead of healing the body, mind and emotions.

Taking time for self-care and rest isn’t lazy or selfish; you’re actually self-healing your body and mind!

4. Go Into Nature

Nature has a healing and rebalancing effect on our energy system, body, mind and emotions. Plants, trees, animals, wind, water, sunlight and earth all have different properties and healing effects on us.

It’s no coincidence that we feel so much better after going on a hike, walking in the forest, swimming in the ocean or working in the garden.

Go into nature and consciously connect with the plants, animals and various elements to holistically heal your energy system.

This has a subsequent healing effect on the body, mind and emotions.

5. Practice Positive Thinking

Your thoughts create your emotions. These strongly affect your flow of life force energy and the natural healing rate of your body.

Negative thoughts and emotions create energetic blockages in your energy system and restrict the flow of life force energy. Overtime, this results in disease and illness.

There’s a strong correlation between negativity, anger, anxiety and stress and more serious, chronic health issues.

By consciously cultivating and practicing more positive thoughts and emotions, you actually self-heal your mind and body.  Plus, you feel more happy, joyful, calm and positive everyday! Who doesn’t want that?

6. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a very healing energy and practice. So consciously practice it to heal yourself on all levels!

When you cultivate gratitude for all the blessings that you have, including the health that you do have, you attract more of them with your focus and energy.

If you just focus on your physical, mental and emotional issues, you’ll continue to attract more disease and imbalance. The healing process will slow down.

So focus on the things that you do want that you already have! Practicing gratitude is a fantastic way to do this.

7. Spend Time with Positive People Who Love and Support You

Choosing to spend time with people who love you and lift you up is so powerful and self-healing!

During COVID lockdown, the negative effects of social isolation were experienced and validated by so many of us.

When you experience positive social interaction, you distract yourself from your own issues.

Instead of dwelling on your disease, you put your focus and energy into people which fill you with love, joy and positivity! Focusing on other things allows the diseased energy to start leaving your energy system and kickstarts the natural healing rate of your body, mind and emotions.

Also, higher frequency emotions like love, joy, happiness, positivity and elation heal your energy system, body, mind and emotions.

8. Do More Things that Make You Feel Happy, Joyful and Fulfilled

What do you love to do? What lights you up?

Maybe it’s traveling, photography, rock climbing, brunch, dancing or sky diving.

Whatever it is, make time in your schedule to do more of those things!

When you feel more happy, joyful and fulfilled, more life force energy flows in your chakras and energy system. This balances and heals the mind, emotions and body.

Also, when you’re distracted, you forget about your ailment. When you’re not focused on it, the diseased energy and energetic blockages in your energy system causing the issue start to leave your energy body.

You’ll experience accelerated healing. Over time, your ailment will actually be gone. You’ll be healed.

9. Do Generous Acts of Service and Kindness for Others

Similar to the point above, when you focus on other people you forget about your issues and the diseased energy slowy leaves your energy body. The natural healing process is accelerated in your body, mind and emotions until your ailment is gone.

Also, acts of service and kindness activate your heart chakra and crown chakra. When these chakras are activated, you’re flooded with higher frequency emotions such as love, joy, compassion and connection to everything.

These energies have a natural healing and balancing effect on the energy system, body, mind and emotions. You self-heal.

10. Deep Abdominal Breathing

Breathe deeply and slowly with your lower abdomen or belly, not with your chest! Chest breathing results in shallower breathing, less oxygen to your brain and blocked energy in the chest area which can increase anxiety and stress.

As a habit or during times of stress, practice deep abdominal breathing. It calms down your nervous system, fills you with relaxation and increases the amount of oxygen your cells are absorbing.

It also regulates and balances your solar plexus chakra located in your upper abdomen, which holds a lot of stress, anxiety, fear and anger. When the solar plexus calms down with deep abdominal breathing and becomes more regulated, you feel more calm, relaxed and centered.

In this higher emotional state, more life force energy flows. The natural healing rate of the body, mind and emotions becomes activated and accelerated.

Just by using your breath, you can self-heal.

11. Take a Salt Bath

Self-heal by soaking in a bath filled with 2 cups of regular salt and 30 drops of lavender or sandalwood oil. This bath water pulls out and dissolves negative energy, thoughts and emotions that are reducing the healing flow of life force energy in your body. After soaking for at least 20 minutes, rinse off in the shower.

Not only will you feel more calm, relaxed and centered, but your chakras will be more clean and you’ll have more life force energy flowing through you. This increases the natural healing of the body.

Girl meditating. Meditating is a powerful way to self-heal the chakras, body, mind and emotions.

12. Practice Meditation

Different meditations have different effects on your chakras and energy system. But overall, they have a natural cleansing effect on your mind, emotions and energy system.

When your thoughts and emotions are more clear, uplifted, calm and positive, you reduce the energetic blockages in your energy system which increases the amount of life force energy flowing in your body. More life force energy means more healing for the cells of your body.

Consistently practicing meditation has a self-healing and balancing effect on your body, mind and emotions.

Which tools do you want to start practicing to self-heal your body and mind?

Which ones do you already practice?

Which ones do you intuitively feel you need to start practicing?

I challenge you to commit to practicing at least one of these this week to boost your self-healing!

Let me know in the comments below– which one do you commit to practicing this week?

I hope some of this information from Pranic Healing and the founder, Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, was helpful to you and your self-healing journey. Many blessings to you!

Suzie DeVoe

Associate Certified Pranic Healer of Rainbow Spirit Healing


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