Pranic Healing for Improving Self-Expression & Communication

If you’re struggling with self-expression and confident communication, this healing video is for you!

Connect to this video to receive healing energy to help remove some layers of negative energy in your throat chakra plus other major chakras to help you more fully express your truth with confidence, courage, freedom and flow!

Video Highlights

✨Why it’s so important for you to express your truth

✨What’s actually happening energetically in your energy system

✨What causes energetic blockages

✨ Identifying the negative emotions and beliefs you have around self-expression and communication you want to release

✨ Receive healing energy to remove energetic blockages to improve your self-expression and communication

Not only does would expressing your unique message, gifts, healing and expression with the world bring you so much fulfillment and satisfaction— it’s also so important to the souls you serve and the healing of the planet!

If you’re ready for deep inner healing and you want to completely root out the energetic blockages preventing you from powerfully and confidently expressing your truth, check out the 3 month transformational program Heal and Feel Confident - click here to learn more.

Video Transcript

Hi, I'm Suzie! I'm an Associate Certified Pranic Healer and founder of Rainbow Spirit Healing, and I help big-hearted spiritual women, spiritual entrepreneurs and light workers feel empowered with the confidence, courage, and belief in themselves to fulfill their spiritual purposes and serve the souls that are waiting for their unique medicine expression and light.

This healing video is for you if you're feeling challenged by fully sharing and expressing your deepest, most authentic truth out into the world. What you're feeling is an energetic blockage that's holding you back, that's making you hesitate. That is keeping you silent and preventing you from fully expressing your deepest truth and connecting with others on a very authentic level, being seen and being accepted for who you are and what you have to say.

I'm so glad that we're connecting today, and I'm so honored to serve you because your unique message, your voice, your truth, your fullest expression is so important for the healing of the Earth right now.

The beautiful reason why you feel discomfort in not fully expressing yourself is actually because there's people waiting for your unique message and expression, whatever that is, and whatever you feel called to say and express and share with other people, and it's no accident that you are incarnated in this technological age where you can literally just hop on your computer or phone and connect with anyone all over, all over the world, through different social media platforms, through anything on the internet, any kinds of apps, it's not an accident. And so it's time for you to really step up, feel empowered, and express your deepest inner truth.

If you're feeling challenged by this, what exactly is happening energetically? Well, basically there's energetic blockages that you're experiencing right now in your energy system, not only in your throat chakra, which is pretty well known to be the chakra of expression and communication, but there's also probably energetic blockages in other major chakras as well.

Rarely is it one chakra that's affected. These energetic blockages are located in different chakras in your energy system. They’re caused by negative emotions and negative beliefs that you carry around self-expression and communication.

Only you really know what these energetic blockages are, but common ones I see in myself and my clients include fear around self-expression, include unworthiness around their voice being heard, like maybe a belief that their voice and their expression is not worthy and is not as valuable as other people's because of various reasons. It could be stress around communication. It could be trauma.

Maybe events happen in your life that left you kind of scarred. I know public speaking can be a really stressful situation for people and every time you re-encounter a stressful or traumatic situation around self-expression that will just compound the energetic blockages you have.

When I work with my clients alongside the energy healing, I always encourage them to do their own inner work and question these deeper inner beliefs they have about themselves and then take their responsibility of repeatedly thinking the beliefs that they want to be thinking, which will cause more positive emotions in regard to a specific situation. And when they do that consistently, repeatedly, when that's done alongside with the energy healing, that's when you really get fast, dramatic, transformative results that are sustainable.

In this video, if you're receptive to receiving this healing energy, you'll have layers of these negative thoughts and emotions related to self-expression and communication that are causing energetic blockages in your energy system removed.

However, if you really want to fully remove these blockages and you want to uproot them and say goodbye to them forever, I would recommend connecting with me in the three month transformational healing program Heal and Feel Confident if you're interested in doing this deep healing so you can really move forward in bringing your heart-centered projects, your heart-centered goals, your spiritual business, or whatever your soul purpose is, bringing that more out into the world to the souls are waiting for them.

Okay, let's begin the healing process. So the first step I want you to do is take a moment and identify — what negative emotions you experience around self-expression and communication that you want to release in this healing video.

The second thing I want you to do is dig deeper into that emotion and transcend it and go behind it and identify — what beliefs do I have around self-expression and communication that are incorrect with the truth of my being and that I want to release in this healing video?

Usually these beliefs are connected to a larger belief system that we developed when we are younger, from our families, from our schools, from our society, from our surroundings.

These beliefs are probably very deep, and you've had them since you were a child, but that's okay. It just means that there's more energetic layers of this belief that needs to be removed through healing or whatever method you do.

And in its place you need to for a longer period and more intensely, consistently practice positive emotions and a new positive belief that you want to carry into the next chapter of your life. It will just take longer and it'll take more energy. However, it has the potential to have the most transformation in all areas of your life, so it is absolutely worth doing.

For example, in my own experience, fear has come up around self-expression and communication, and a negative belief I had was unworthiness of my own voice, feeling like when I was growing up, other people's voices and opinions were more important than mine. I actually believed that and absorbed that as a child.

So now on my journey alongside the healing I've been doing on myself, I've been practicing the belief that my voice is as valuable as anyone else's and does deserve to be heard alongside everyone else's. It has value and weight for the specific souls that are waiting to hear my unique expression.

So pauses, video and identify the negative emotion you want to release around self-expression and communication and identify behind that the negative belief you have that you've absorbed about self-expression and communication that you also want to release…

Click here to connect to the healing portion of the video — go to time [7:46]


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