Energy is the Secret to Getting What You Want, Not Action

During the hectic, hustle-filled launch of my new energetic program last week, my elation had turned into horror as I  looked at my laptop screen.

I had just gained 1500+ followers on Instagram in 5 minutes. At first I thought this was a natural result of getting more exposure from paying two promoters to post a reel about my new program in front of their audiences. Hoooooray!

But then, my stomach churned as I realized that I’d just bought 1500+ followers through some sketchy Instagram promoter with a paypal in Russian.

Feeling guilt, shame, regret and naivety, I had to ask myself: “This decision felt so right at the time. How did I get it so wrong? WTF!!!!”

When I need to make a decision, I’ve become adept at becoming present and still, then checking in with my inner knowing. I can feel in my gut whether something is the right or the wrong path. And I felt like this was the right path!!

The Universe was ready to serve me my big lesson.

As it just so happened, right after this mishap I had to jump on a scheduled call to interview another Pranic Healer as part of a project I’m working on with the Pranic Healing organization to glean their business strategies and advice. (How I fell into this project was Divine providence that I’m just starting to understand, but that’s a whole nother story!)

For that entire hour, I felt like the Universe was speaking to me through her. She even said that she felt guided to get on the call to deliver this information to me personally, not necessarily to contribute to the project.

This healer ran her abundant business with feminine energetics after being burned out from the hustle and dead broke.  In other words, her business strategy was attraction with her energy and frequency. 

She attracted high-paying clients with her own similar frequency; she didn’t chase them. No hustle; just relaxation and trust.

She tuned into the Law of Attraction, the universal law that states that “like energy attracts like energy in all aspects of reality.” As she did her own healing and embodied frequencies and attitudes of abundance, worthiness, high-self esteem and trust in the Universe, she said she started attracting the right clients out of the woodworks! 

And the crazy part is, she doesn’t even post that much on social media or creates free content, some of the trendy marketing strategies of the day.  She doesn’t try to sell her services or go out of her way to network. She just has a social media profile and a little landing page with her offers and people just find her that way. 

Ok, I get it: your frequency trumps action.

I sat on my couch in silence after this interview as I absorbed this powerful knowledge, trying to integrate it into my reality.


When I made the decision to pay these promoters on Instagram, and it felt right, I was in a frequency of hustle, stress, desperation, scarcity and neediness to get beta clients!

As I held this lower frequency energy, the actions that felt right to me brought me results that reflected back this lower frequency energy.

Because, not only did I accidentally buy 1500+ followers, half of whom are probably fake accounts, I also had been experiencing…

Attracting women who were interested but couldn’t pay for the program, women who got my free energy in DMs and but ghosted when I sent them the program details, other promoters spamming up my IG, and attracting interactions with people who also held desperate, scarce, stressed out energies.

I had attracted people, interactions and situations that reflected back to me my energy.

All the action in the world cannot overcome the frequency and energy that you’re radiating and attracting back people and situations of the same frequency.

We live in a reflective Universe— start observing what happens to you when you’re in different moods.

That’s how you explain why two people who take the same actions get different results.

I’m not saying that action isn’t important. It’s a necessary step in this game of reality, the final step in manifesting what you’ve been conjuring up energetically with your thoughts and emotions.

But it’s a secondary component to your energy and you should treat it as such if you want to master being a creator of your life, not a reactionary victim of things that happen to you.

When you’re in a high vibrational frequency, like when you’re feeling abundant, successful, loving, joyful, free and in good health– you’ll think and take a specific action that will serve as a vessel through which you’ll attract situations and people of abundance, success, love, joy, freedom and good health.

If I was in this kind of positive energy last week, I wouldn’t have even thought of paying promoters on Instagram and ended up with a mess. It wouldn’t have crossed my mind because the whole business of paying sketchy promoters on Instagram is of a lower energy.

So, since that mishap and the integration of this new, powerful knowledge into my reality fully and completely:

  • I’ve been prioritizing my energy, mood and frequency above EVERYTHING ELSE.

  • When I feel that I’m in a positive space, I check in and see what action steps I need to take to get me closer to where I’m going.

  • Then I take those actions steps, with happiness and trust knowing that this action came to me when I was in a place of feeling abundant, successful, joyful and limitless.

And guess what? I’ve already been seeing results in the form of client interest and money coming in since I prioritized the state of my energy, and it wasn’t from a shift in my action (I actually radically reduced my time spent marketing and reaching out on social media which felt really good!).

Now I challenge you, powerful creator…

Ask yourself these questions to play with this concept:

  • What kind of energy have you primarily been in recently?

  • What actions have you been inclined to take in this state?

  • What results have you gotten from those actions?

  • How does the energy of these results align with your own energetic state?

If you feel like you’ve been feeling some lower emotions that have kept you in a lower vibrational state, play with some of these to raise your frequency and experience more positive feelings and thoughts to attract more positive people and situations into your reality:

  • Focus on the positive side of a situation and feel gratitude for it  (hint: there’s always a different perspective, but you have to be willing to shift yours!).

  • Get immersed in something that makes you freaking happy until you feel more uplifted!

  • Shift your energy by moving your body through sweaty exercise, dancing or a walk.

  • Spend some time in nature– it has a cleansing effect on you energetically.

  • Do meditation or a spiritual practice that connects you to your inner being.

  • Release your negative emotions via journaling, crying, yelling into a pillow or sitting still and allow yourself to fully feel it until it dissipates.

  • Be of service, volunteer or help someone in need to open your heart and feel love.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Law of Attraction and how to navigate it to become more conscious creator of your reality, the Abraham Hicks material is a good place to start– I’m listening to The Astonishing Power of Emotions while I drive around in my car and it keeps me high vibing whilst I do more routine, daily life stuff.

Comment below and let me know what you think about this, I’d love to hear from you!

Sending you so much love, light and blessings on your healing journey,



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