Hey, Queen— You’re a Powerful Creator of Your Reality

Have you ever had a trail of synchronicities that led you down a winding path to teach you something so incredibly valuable about yourself?

I sure have.

Last week, the Universe wanted to teach me just how powerful we are. That whatever we believe we can have, is what we’ll have. 

As long as we have hope and believe that we can do something, we’ll be guided and shown the path there, even if it seems impossible from where we stand.

My trail of synchronicities started last week when I was full of self-pity and doubt. I’ve been trying to grow my Pranic Healing practice and it hasn’t been as easy sailing as I naively thought (for those of you who have been supporting me, thank you).

I talked with my two of my friends who are also hustling to make their dreams a reality, and they both expressed a post-Black Friday letdown, too.

Women like us reach for the stars because deep down, we believe that the Universe is benevolent. We believe that if we expose our most raw, honest gifts we have to offer to the world, that we’ll be successful.

But last week, I wasn’t vibing with that rosy picture.

Luckily, the Universe won’t let me drown in a pool of self-pity for too long. 

One morning, my boyfriend told me that he started listening to this amazing, old book on Youtube he had randomly found at 3am when he couldn’t sleep (lol).

It’s The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn. The first 30 minutes basically say: you can only receive what you see yourself receiving. Whatever life you want to live, believe you can actually live it and it’s yours.

Bingo, thanks for reminding me that it starts with my own beliefs, Universe! 

The night after a friend and I commiserated about how the Instagram and TikTok algorithms were out to destroy us,  she texted me about her latest TikTok video.

“Omg I got 7,000 views!!” 

Wow, I guess there’s still hope?!

The next day, I posted my TikTok video more for the habit than for 40 views it would probably get.

I unenthusiastically looked the next morning, and… omg, it has 521 views?!

Thanks, Universe, for reminding me that anything is still possible!


One morning, I woke up with a lot of work to do, but I had this strong urge to walk in a beautiful park nearby. Trying to be kinder to myself instead of forcing myself to work all day, I got in my car and started driving.

I was listening to a random podcast episode. A business coach being interviewed was saying that she had finally decided on all levels that she was going to show up as 6-figure boss babe to make the kind of money she thought wasn’t possible before.

A few weeks later, she was making her previous annual salary in one month.

At the end of the episode, she mentioned to check out a book. My ears perked up. I started listening to Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard that day.

In a nutshell, the book says: whatever thoughts and emotions you’re having determines the reality that you’ll create. Your conscious mind impresses your subconscious mind with feelings, and the subconscious mind continues to create a reality for you that reflects this feeling with your subconscious thoughts, habits, automatic actions, patterns, perception and narratives.

So, wanna change your reality? Consciously think positive thoughts and feel like you would if you’d be living your dream life to impress your subconscious mind. That’s it.

Wow, thanks, Universe for reminding me that my thoughts create my reality!

One night I turned on Netflix and snuggled on the couch to treat myself after a long day at my laptop. I was looking for a new release and my eye caught the beautiful mountain scenes of 14 Peaks.

14 Peaks is a documentary about an underrated Nepali mountaineer who declared that he was going to summit the only 14 mountains in the world over 26,000 feet in 7 months to bring respect to the Nepali mountaineering community. Because the international mountaineering community thought he was absolutely batshiz craycray, he called his impossible endeavor “Project Possible.”

Full disclosure, at the time of writing this I haven’t finished it, but that guy is so determined! He has no doubt he’s going to do it, despite everyone else telling him he’s freaking wacko. The amazing thing is, he doesn’t even care about what they’re saying. He’s doing it, end of story.

At this point, he’s convinced me. 

Thank you, Universe, for showing me the incredible power of determination and faith!


The next evening, I was worrying about how I was going to get my first round of clients for my new program Heal & Feel Confident to Live Your Dream Life in 6 Weeks.

What if I don’t get any clients by the time it launches in January? What if I have to Uber around people’s food to make money? How much money do I even have left?

So I googled “how to get coaching clients fast” (I’m not a life coach but the structure of my practice is similar) and I found a video Get 7 Clients in 7 Days. Hmmmmm...

Apparently there’s a solid strategy to get 7 clients in 7 days to launch a new program. It takes time, it takes a lot of effort, it probably takes a lot of rejection, it’ll cut down your prices a bit, but….hey, people are actually getting 7 clients in 7 days!

Okay, so there’s always a way to get what you want. Just Google it. Thanks, Universe!

I wasn’t expecting new clients this month, but at least I knew I would get a handful in January for my new program with this strategy.

By the time I woke up today, I was feeling a lot better. I just knew I could do anything that I believed that I could do. It’s up to me to see that I can do it and trust that there’s always a way.

I checked Instagram, and to my surprise...a friend reached out about a healing session! I wasn’t expecting any new clients, quite frankly.

But it makes sense.

As I was feeling more hopeful and started believing again that I’ll be successful, that I’ll get clients, that I’ll start making more money, that I’ll start implementing all the strategies with success...I got a potential client!

I love you, Universe! Thank you for showing me the path back to my true self, a powerful creator of my reality!

And these are the messages I want to share with you:

You are a powerful creator of your reality!

What life you believe you can have, is what you’ll have!

Think and feel positively, like you’re living your dream life, and have faith that it’s coming!

Even if it seems impossible, there’s always a way! (just Google it)

Look for the synchronicities, look for the lessons, look for the patterns, look for the next step you need to take, follow your inclinations and desires...because that’s the Universe showing you the path forward!


Limitless , powerful being, I challenge you right now:

  1. Identify one thing you’ve daydreamed about doing or having but you haven’t seriously entertained it because it doesn’t seem possible?

  2. What are the reasons you tell yourself you can’t have it or do it?

  3. Look at each reason and be the devil’s advocate-- how could you prove them false?

  4. Now acknowledge-- “Yes, I actually can do this!” It may not be easy and the path may not be obvious, but if you really want it and you’re determined, you’ll find a path there.

  5. Start manifesting it and bringing it into your reality, starting today.

There’s two essential parts to manifestation: energy and action.

Start visualizing it’s happening, start feeling that you have it now, start talking about it to others and planning it into your life. This energizes the manifestation.

Start taking action on it-- write it into your calendar, start putting resources together, break it down into smaller goals, start tackling each task everyday and pay attention to inspired action which will show you the next step for you to take.

Soon, you’ll start seeing it come together, miraculously. 

Not too long after that, you’ll actually be enjoying the thing that you thought was impossible. You’ll smile and think back to when you didn’t think you could do it. 


Comment below— What thing are you going to do or get that you thought was impossible 10 minutes ago?

So much love, light and blessings to you!


P.S. If you’re a spiritual-minded woman working towards your big dreams, but you’re feeling paralzyed by self-doubt, insecurities and fear, then…

Heal & Feel Confident to Live your Dream Life in 6 Weeks is for you!

This transformational program will empower you with the confidence and freedom to accomplish your goals and start living your dream life in 6 weeks. 

If you’re interested, make sure you’re subscribed to get the latest updates for the January 2022 launch.


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