Heal Unworthiness with this Pranic Healing Session


Have you ever struggled with the feeling of not being enough? Of not being worthy of your dream career, of an amazing relationship, of a healthy body, of the level of abundance that you dream of?

If you have, I’m totally with you. A lot of women around me are struggling with this. I’ve struggled with that feeling my whole life.

The true pain of unworthiness isn’t the feeling itself, but the ways in which it holds you back from the incredible abundance that you deserve in all areas of your life!

My feelings of unworthiness affected my mind, emotions and my actions, and subsequently, my entire life. 

I can look back and see all the ways I self-sabotaged; I focused on stupid things instead; I held myself back from success; I threw away opportunities with flimsy excuses.

It sucks because I can’t get those years back. But everyday I can choose to continue to heal and nurture my confidence to achieve my goals faster and live more of my dream life, day by day.

Procrastination, self-sabotage, making excuses for not seizing opportunities-- hello, unworthiness!

It paralyzes you with fear of moving forward and reaching new levels of joy and fulfillment that wait for on the other side of taking action.

I struggled until I discovered the power of Pranic Healing.

In Pranic Healing, negative thought and emotional patterns are removed with energy and replaced with new positive thought and emotional patterns. If you wanna learn how this actually works, I explain it all here.

Most of my unworthiness has been replaced with belief in myself, confidence and clarity in what I want (it felt unclear before because I didn’t subconsciously believe I could have it).

Thank you, Pranic Healing! 

So I give you this short Pranic Healing session to heal unworthiness and empower you with confidence, worthiness and unshakable belief in yourself.

Lay down and relax, press play and stay connected to me energetically as you stay open and receive this healing energy.


If you’re struggling with feelings of unworthiness and ready for deep inner healing, my new program is for you!

Officially launching January 9, Heal and Feel Confident is an 8 week transformational program to help women overcome their insecurities, self-doubt and self-worth that’s holding them back and empower them with the confidence, freedom and clarity to accomplish their big goals and live their dreams.

This is for spiritually open women that have big dreams and goals but keep on getting tripped up with self-sabotage, procrastination, fear and the imposter syndrome.

You’ll get rid of your self-doubt and insecurity and replace it with powerful feelings of confidence, belief in yourself and freedom to achieve your big goals and dreams with:

  • 16 one-on-one Pranic Healing sessions for deep emotional and mental healing

  • Powerful energetic tools to strengthen positive mental and emotional patterns for confidence, high-self esteem and unshakable belief in yourself.

  • Life-changing manifestation tools to help you acheive your goals and start living your dream life, faster!

Stay tuned for the opening of enrollment-- it’s exclusive, there’s only 5 open stops for the entire two months.

These 5 spots are for women who are ready to do the deep inner work, ready to finally reach their goals and ready to finally step into their power and bring their gifts to the world with confidence! 

If you feel like you could be one of these five women, comment below 💖

Sending you so much love and light!


Hey, Queen— You’re a Powerful Creator of Your Reality


Pranic Healing Heals the Mind and Emotions. Here’s How.