Pranic Healing for Self-Criticism

On this road of entrepreneurship, I’ve come face-to-face with my own self-criticism. It’s been a challenge.

I’ve had more mistakes and failures than successes in the past 6 months than any other time in my life. Every time I fail, I’m faced with the decision– do I tear myself down or choose to be proud of myself for stepping into the unknown yet again?

Out of sheer survival, I’ve had to choose a more loving, compassionate attitude towards myself. Because if I didn’t, I know that I wouldn’t be able to stick it out long enough to create the life I dream of. This journey has forced me to be my biggest cheerleader. 

Sometimes I slip back into the darkness of berating myself, but I’m at a point where I can quickly get myself out of it. Before, I would stay there for days and dream of a better life for myself without being able to take the necessary steps out of fear.

I know a lot of us struggle with self-criticism. Self-criticsm is a type of negative self-talk where you hyper focus on your mistakes, shortcomings and weaknesses. It could be just focused on yourself or comparing yourself with others. 

Some level of critical awareness of yourself is healthy so that we can continue to learn, grow and improve ourselves.

However, when the level of self-criticism becomes excessive, extreme or harsh, it can really damage our self-esteem and self-worth. People who are overly self-critical tend to be scared of social rejection and failure.

The unfortunate consequences of self-criticism are that we don’t take risks for fear of failure, we don’t show up as our authentic selves for fear of rejection, and we don’t fully step into our power and our unique purpose in the world. So, life is never as expansive or fulfilling as we dream of it being.

To show up authentically as yourself and step into your power with confidence and worthiness, you need to cultivate a positive thought pattern of love, support and encouragement. You need to have a positive inner dialogue for sustainable success and a thriving, joyful life that you love!

The good news is that self-criticism isn’t who you are. It’s just a negative pattern of thinking that you’ve been habitually practicing.

At your deepest level, you’re the soul. You’re a being of light. A drop of Divinity. You’re a being of radiance, power, love, inherent worthiness and natural confidence. You have unique gifts that you bring to the world, whether it’s the light you shine, the art you bring, the ways in which you serve and help others. It’s no coincidence that you’re here during this time– your gifts are needed now, otherwise you wouldn’t be here.

It’s important that we cultivate more positive thought patterns of love, compassion and encouragement towards ourselves. We can’t fully step into our power until we feel safe and secure in doing so. Positive self-dialogue gives us that safety and security while we’re doing more uncomfortable, risky things that inevitably will result in us making mistakes. But we need to make these mistakes to grow into the people we dream of being.

All thought patterns, positive and negative, exist as energy within our energy system. When thoughts are repeated over time and rewire our brain, its energy becomes stronger and more powerful in your energy system until it becomes a dominant energetic pattern. At that point, it becomes a comfortable and normal aspect of your reality. But it doesn’t need to be.

In Pranic Healing, negative thought patterns are removed from your energy system one layer at a time. The more dominant and strong a thought pattern, the more healing sessions you’ll need to completely remove a thought pattern. It’s important during this period of healing sessions that you consciously practice a new positive thought pattern to create a new dominate way of thinking as the old one is being fully removed.

This video is a Pranic Healing taster, not a full one hour session. This video will target a layer of the self-criticism thinking pattern and it should feel less palpable after the video.

If you’re interested in going deeper to fully remove this thought pattern and work with me to consciously strengthen a positive thought pattern of positive, supportive and loving self-talk– I invite you to book a free consultation and let’s connect!

You don’t need to wait another year to step into your power and start living a life more in alignment with your truth. So invest in yourself! Invest in your self-esteem, self-worth and purpose.

During the video, please:

  • Lay down in a comfortable position with your legs and arms uncrossed

  • You don’t have to be watching the video, but stay aware to remain connected.

  • I will speak during the session– you don’t have to pay attention to this. It’s more subliminal. It’s directed towards your energy system and will make the session more effective.

During the video, spend the time creating new positive thought patterns of self-love, compassion and complimenting yourself. Spend the time sending yourself loving thoughts. Think of all your strengths and the positive qualities you have. I bet you have sooo many! Think of all the good things you’ve done. Think of all your accomplishments and successes. Treat yourself like your own beloved child!

I challenge you to continue these loving, kind thoughts towards yourself for the rest of the day. In this way, you’re strengthening a new energetic and mental pattern that will help you bloom into the highest version of yourself living a more authentic, fulfilling life.

Thought patterns are just habits of thought. It’s like adapting a new habit— keep at it and you’ll start seeing results!

After you receive the healing, comment and let me know– how was it?

Sending you so much love, compassion and kindness, especially towards yourself!



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