Uncomfortable with Receiving? You Have to Change That. Here’s How.

This is for all of the amazing women that give so much but feel uncomfortable receiving. You know who you are…

You deflect compliments because they make you feel uncomfortable.

You feel uncomfortable when someone pays for you, overpays you or tips you for your services.

You’re in your element when you have the opportunity to help someone you love. But when they show up for you, you tell them that you’re fine and shoo them away.

You can sabotage your romantic relationship or friendships when the level of love and connection increases. You pick a fight, ignore their messages or take a step back but you don’t know why.

You start getting more clients, get promoted or have more success in your career. But instead of celebrating and feeling grateful, you get worried that it won’t last. Or you self-sabotage and start slacking.

The very thing you’ve dreamed of comes into your life– a pregnancy or an incredible partner – but all you can do is worry about it not lasting.

The money you’ve dreamed up starts to flow into your life. But as soon as you have it, you spend it. Or, you don’t feel worthy of so much abundance.

If you resonated with any of these scenarios, you aren’t open to receiving everything that you want. Basically, anytime you’re offered positive, wonderful things and you feel uncomfortable with them– you have resistance to receiving them.

By receiving, I mean letting in the blessings. Feeling grateful and completely deserving of all of the amazing things flowing into your life. Feeling so happy and overjoyed that you’re getting what you want.

The blessings could come in the form of love, money, success, happiness, abundance and good health. They could be small, like someone paying for your dinner. Or, they could be huge, like landing your dream job.

Here’s why receiving is so important…

If you aren’t open to receiving, more can’t come into your life.

Your ability to receive what you want is like a hose. The Universe wants to flow everything you want easily and quickly to you through that hose.

But you control how wide that hose is. If you have any kind of resistance to accepting things you want, you tighten the hose. You only let in a trickle.

If you don’t think you’re worthy, if you’re scared or you feel uncomfortable with an upleveled life, you won’t be open to receiving it when the time comes. You’ll deflect it, reject it, minimize it or worry about it. As you do that, your hose tightens and the Universe can’t flow to you more of it.

But if you accept the blessings with gratitude, joy and complete worthiness, you open your hose wide. Even more of what you want – whether that’s love, abundance or success – easily comes into your life.

The feelings in your body are good indicators of how wide your hose is. If you feel uncomfortable, tight or resisting in your body when the things you want flow into your life, then you’re tightening your hose.

If you feel lightness and expansion in your body as you recognize the blessings flowing in, then you’re opening your hose wide and allowing more of that to come into your experience.

Anything that restricts your ability to receive– unworthiness, scarcity, poverty, the inability to be loved, always struggling, fear– these aren’t your natural state of being. 

These aren’t who you are. You feel bad because this isn’t your natural state of being. You’re not meant to be living with these. You picked these up along in your life. Maybe you inherited them from your family, friends or society. 

They’re just limiting beliefs and negative habits of thought and emotions that you’ve picked up and assumed to be true. As you practice them, you imprint your subconscious mind. Then your subconscious mind starts picking them up in your reality to reiterate your belief system, which is its job. And that’s how you’ve developed your world view and your place in it.

But these limiting beliefs about what you deserve and what always happens to you are just that– beliefs. Habitual patterns of thoughts that you believe to be true. They can be changed.

These aren’t who you truly are. Anything that tightens your hose and reduces the blessings into a trickle aren’t you.

Your natural state is one of complete abundance, love, success, joy and good health. You are worthy of all of these plus more.

Just by being born you’re worthy of everything you dream of.

You’re not your body. You’re not your emotions. You’re not your thoughts– you are the soul. You’re pure energy and consciousness in a meat sack for this incarnation. 

As the soul, you’re a drop of Divine consciousness and energy in a sea of consciousness and energy of the entire Universe. 

You’re a Divine being who is worthy of all of the love, abundance, success, happiness and good health that you dream of. You don’t have to prove your worth. Just by being alive, these are your birthright.

That’s why opening your hose and being completely open to all blessings coming into your life feels so good. It feels expansive and joyful because you’re embodying your natural state as a Divine being. It’s who you truly are.

Okay, so how do we open our hose wide and start receiving everything we want into our life like a waterfall?

1. Identify the situations that make you feel uncomfortable when you’re on the receiving end of positive things (money, kindness, love, compliments, success, things you want, etc.).

2. Dig deeper into that uncomfortable feeling and identify what limiting belief or negative thought is causing you to tighten your hose. Is it unworthiness? Fear? Or simply unfamiliarity with a higher level of what you want?

3. Analyze the limiting belief or negative thought. How true is it? (hint: if it doesn’t feel good in your body, it doesn’t have much substance once you look closer).

4. Once you decide that it isn’t true, agknowledge what you truly are– a Divine being of unlimited abundance, worthiness, success, love, joy and good health. If other people are experiencing something you want, why can’t you??

5. Think of all the blessings and gifts you’ve received recently. Declare to the Universe, “Thank you!! I receive them all!!”

6. From now on, whenever you receive a blessing or gift, no matter how small or trivial, say “I receive this! Thank you!” Take a moment to acknowledge this blessing and feel gratitude well up in your heart.

This is a practice. It takes time. You have to learn how to receive with open arms, especially if you’ve learned otherwise. As you do this, you’ll encounter your deepest limiting beliefs, shadows and wounds. That’s actually a good thing because it means you’re making meaningful progress. Really look at them for what they are– bogus thoughts with little substance.

If you want to open your hose fast and easily to help you receive all the blessings and uplevel your life now, Pranic Healing can help. In each session, limiting beliefs and negative thoughts and emotions tightening your hose are removed. Your sense of worthiness, confidence, abundance and freedom are strengthened using energy. Click here to learn more. 

As you practice the feelings of complete worthiness, abundance, success, happiness and good health, and expect for them to come to you…you’ll open your hose wide!

You’ll experience even more blessings and gifts flowing into your life. And more of these will attract even more. There’s no limit to how wide your hose can be. It’s up to you.

So now your hose is wide open….get ready and let it rainnn!!!!!  😊💕✨🌈

Now I’d love to hear from you— what do you plan to let more of into your life by fully receiving it with open arms?


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