Powerful, Effective Energy Healing Technique for Mental and Emotional Transformation


Release Negative Thoughts, Emotions and Energies

If you're looking for a tool to help you heal and release negative thoughts, negative emotions, negative energies, or negative tendencies that no longer serve you, this is the tool for you.

If you want to strengthen new positive thought patterns, positive emotions, positive energies, and tendencies that you want to embody to help you heal and transform, again, this is the tool for you.

I call this the “cupped hands technique.” I not sure the exact name of it, but it’s directly from Pranic Healing. I've seen Master Stephen Co and Master Glenn Mendoza use this tool. I'm just a messenger of this technique and I'm so happy share it with you!

This Energy Healing Technique Uses the Power of Energy and Faith

How does this tool work? It uses the power of energy and faith. This tool uses the power of higher spiritual beings and your receptivity to receiving that energy to help you release what no longer serves you.

It also depends on how strong your intention in. The stronger your desire to change and let go, even if these tendencies were previously comfortable for you, the more effective it will be.

If you're so ready to let this stuff go, then this tool is for you!

This tool works best for people who are spiritually minded and spiritually open. If you're a skeptic and prayer to you sounds kind of ridiculous, then this isn't the tool for you. There are a lot of other tools that would be more beneficial.

Practice it Daily for Best Results and Transformation

If you're in the process right now of doing deep healing work, I recommend practicing this tool daily.

If you're not trying to shift something specific, you can use this tool whenever you're feeling challenged by something coming up in the moment.

How to Practice this Powerful, Effective Energy Healing Technique:

1. Take a moment to clearly identify what it is you want to let go.

Maybe it's a specific fear. Maybe it's self doubt, low self-esteem, anger, grief or imposter syndrome.

Whatever it is, clearly identify it right now.

2. Ask yourself— how willing are you to let go of this energy?

Are you kind of reluctant? And if so, before you do this tool, I want you to spend some time really digging into that. Why are you holding onto this?

But if you're absolutely ready to let go of this, then say out loud right now, “I'm ready!!”

3. Put your hands together in a cupped position in front of you, palms up towards the sky 🤲

4. Externalize the energy that you want to release into your hands.

Intend that all the energy, every bit of it is now pulled up from within you and is in your hands.

You're holding it now.

Take a second to feel this energy in your hands. Maybe it feels heavier to you, or maybe you feel some prickling sensations, or you feel pressure on your hands. Just take a moment to feel into that.

5. Now it's time to release this energy. Raise your hands up above you.

You can tilt your head down a little bit too, which is a sign of humbleness.

With a deep willingness within your entire being, with so much love in your heart and so much faith, move onto the next step.

6. Repeat this invocation out loud:

“I humbly invoke for the power of the Supreme Being. I invoke for Lord Varuna, the Lord of Emotions and the Sea. I invoke for the Higher Spiritual Beings. Please remove this burden completely from me right now.”

7. Imagine there's a big, bright, burning sun high above you. Throw and release the energy into the burning sun.

Feel that this energy is being completely burned up when you release it.

Really affirm that this energy is gone.

You can even cut the cord between you and this energy by just saying “cut, cut, cut.” Now you're completely disconnected from that energy.

8. Give thanks by repeating this prayer with full faith and gratitude:

“I am so grateful to the Supreme Being. I am so grateful to Lord Verona and all the Higher Spiritual Beings for completely disintegrating and removing this energy from my energy system, with so much gratitude and full faith to you, so be it!”

Now check in. How does that energy feel? Does it feel a bit weakened? Do you feel a bit lighter?

If so, that's a really good sign. And if not, it's cool because I recommend doing it a total of two times anyways.

Now that you’ve deleted some of the energy you don't want, now it's time to replace it with something positive.

9. Identify what positive thought, emotion, habit or energy do you want to embody into the next chapter of your life.

Whatever comes to your mind first, that's probably it.

10. To make it more effective, ask yourself— How ready are you to let this into your heart, into your life, into your entire being?

If you need, you can take a moment to get yourself there.

If you're totally ready, say out loud, I am ready!!!

Get into a receptive mode to get ready to receive this energy and these blessings.

11. Repeat this prayer out loud:

“I humbly ask the Supreme Being, Lord Varuna and all the Higher Spiritual Beings supporting me, I ask for so much (whatever it is). Thank you so much for energizing me with this so strongly within my entire being. Thank you for helping me receive and absorb this energy right now. With thanks and in full faith.”

Now take a moment to receive the energy and the blessings.

Do you feel it? Maybe you can feel some of the energy coming down.

Maybe you can feel some pressure on your head. If you can't, that's okay, too. It's still working.

12. To seal in the energy, say out loud “SO BE IT!!!”

13. Repeat steps 3-12 another 2 times.

14. At the end, check in— how are you feeling compared to the beginning?

It’s important to validate your experiences with energy to challenge any subconscious, mainstream assumptions that it doesn’t work or it’s bogus.

If you feel lighter, stronger, more clear, calm, energized or peaceful— congratulations, you just did energy work!!

Let know in the comments below— what’s your experience with this energy healing technique?

Wishing you a beautiful rest of your day!

Suzie DeVoe 💕

Associate Certified Pranic Healer


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