Heal and Clear Your Heart Chakra Now


Heal and clear your heart chakra now with this energy healing video using Pranic Healing!

Clear and release layers of grief, sadness, heartbreak, trauma, stress and other heavy emotions held in your heart chakra with this short healing video.

Feel more light, joyful, loving, peaceful, relaxed and calm!

You'll learn the signs of a blocked heart chakra and how to keep your heart chakra healthy and balanced.

As long as you stay receptive, you'll also receive healing energy to remove layers of repressed emotions in your front and back heart chakra.

Your etheric heart and etheric lungs will also be cleansed. They tend to hold heavy emotions, sadness and grief.

This healing video will most likely remove some layers of your sadness, grief, trauma, heartbreak and stress if you stay receptive and open to the healing energy, but is not as effective as one-on-one sessions.

If you want complete and full healing of your heart chakra and release deeper layers of repressed emotions, it’s recommended to invest in one-on-one Pranic Healing sessions over Zoom with Suzie— click here to learn more.

Happy Healing!


Energy Healing for Stress and Overwhelm


Powerful, Effective Energy Healing Technique for Mental and Emotional Transformation