Practice this Quick, Uplifting Tip when you’re in a Low Mood.

Have you been feeling the winter blues/blaaahs now that the best part of winter is over? ❄️ (lol kinda joking but not really)

When you notice that you're in a low mood and every thought you have is negative, what do you do?

Yesterday, I caught myself in that kind of mood.

I noticed my thoughts were gloomy and doomy, and I actually cried for ten minutes when an Instagram reel wouldn't upload! 😂 (I'm glad I can laugh at it now)

Everything felt like the end of the world.

And, no, I wasn't PMSing. 

It was a case of the winter blues. Now that the holidays are over, I'm feeling a little down, I'll admit it! I love the lights and love of the Holidays and I wish everyday was Christmas. 🎄

And on top of that, I spent too much time marketing and networking on social media (note to self– get off when you notice your mood going south!)

So, how did I turn it around last night?

I laid in bed and purposely blasted myself with positive, uplifting videos and books that had energy full of hope, empowerment, love and faith in the Universe.

I listened to Abraham Hicks videos that always lift me up, I read a book by my spiritual teacher so I could connect with his powerful energy and I listened to a recorded spiritual reading I had that reconnected me to my power and my truth.

Everything has a certain energy to it, whether positive or negative. That includes people, books, movies, music, podcasts, places and pictures. Whatever energies you surround yourself with will affect your mind, emotions and your actions. 

When you purposely consume videos, books and music that you know will lift you up and fill you with hope, love, encouragement and faith that everything is going as planned, your low mood shifts...every time!

And I mean, everytime-- but here’s the catch…

You have to consciously want to shift and do it with purpose so that you'll actually accept the positive energy.

If you're not open to feeling better when you're in the low mood, any positive energy will bounce off of your energy body. Your mind is so powerful that you can allow what energy you let into your energy body.

Got a minute? I challenge you right now:

1. Get a pen and paper and write down 5 books, videos, songs, podcasts, shows or movies that you feel soooo good, uplifted and hopeful after connecting to them.

2. Keep it somewhere where you can easily access it.

3. The next time you notice you're in a low mood and you're ready to come out of the hole, consciously decide that you want to feel better.

4. Grab that paper and choose whichever books, videos, podcasts or shows that you wrote down and get them ready!

5. Sit down and focus on consuming them for 30 minutes. You can multitask, too. Play positive music while you read; read while you have a positive video playing in the background.

Then, notice– how do you feel after?

This is a powerful tool. Use this energetic tool when you need it or consistently practice it to support a more positive way of feeling and thinking.

This is one of the many energetic tools I teach in the energetic transformational program, Heal & Feel Confident to Live your Dream Life in 6 Weeks.

This program helps women feeling paralyzed by self-doubt, insecurities and fear move forward with the confidence, unshakable belief in themselves and power to accomplish their goals and live their dream lives.

If you’re a spiritually minded woman working towards making your dream vision a reality, but you’re being held back by procrastination, scattered energy, self-sabotage and paralysis, this program is for you!

To empower you with confidence, belief in yourself, clarity and freedom to make progress fast towards your goals and your dream life, I offer:

✨ 12 Pranic Healing Sessions for mental and emotional healing

✨ Powerful energetic tools (including reality creation and manifestation tools) to strengthen new positive mental and emotional patterns delivered in a 6 week course

Right now, I’m looking for the first 5 Founders to test the program.

You’ll save $450 if you sign up by Friday, January 14th.

If you’re interested, hop on a free 20 minute chat with me now!

Love, light and blessings to you!!!

Suzie 🥰


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