Short Pranic Healing Session for Success and Manifesting your Goals

It’s the New Year, so I’m betting you have some pretty awesome goals that you want to accomplish in 2022.

Here’s the good news:

Just the fact that you even thought to accomplish these specific goals and you feel fired up to do so, means that you actually can accomplish them. You can do it.

Here’s the bad news:

The only thing standing between you and achieving your goals this year is what’s in your mind, emotions and energy field. That’s your limiting beliefs, negative subconscious thoughts and negative emotions.

Your fears, your beliefs about what you can and cannot do, feelings of unworthiness, self-doubt, insecurities, poverty consciousness– these are the only things that could possibly prevent you from achieving your goals.

So what do you do about it?

A lot of people suck it up and face their fears– but because the fear is subconscious, it will stop you before you even start.

Some people go to therapy– and for some that works. For others, it doesn’t. That’s because, again, these are subconscious beliefs that need to be accessed at a very deep level.

Some people try visualization, affirmation and meditation– which are very powerful tools. I love those tools, but they’re only really effective after you weaken and clear the negative belief systems that are running you like a computer program.

So what do you do?

As a Pranic Healer, I use energy to access these subconscious thought patterns and negative emotions. Thoughts and emotions exist as energetic forms in your energy field. They can be weakened and removed using energy; and they can be created and strengthened using energy.

So in this short, abridged healing session, I will channel energy to target and disintegrate negative, limiting belief systems holding you back from success and accomplishing your big goals this year.

At the same time, I will ask you to focus, visualize, and feel in your body, that you have already accomplished your goals. In this way, as I remove old limiting beliefs from your energy system, you will be creating and strengthening new positive belief systems to help you manifest and accomplish your goals this year.

This will be a shortened, abridged healing, around 25-30 minutes. It’s like a healing light. Because of the format of this healing, it will remove some, but not all, of the beliefs holding you back. 

If you want deeper, more intense, long lasting results, and you’re serious about overcoming your mental and emotional obstacles, I recommend you invest in one-on-one Pranic Healing sessions with me. It’s the real deal and it will help you reach your goals much faster, smoother and with more ease and lightness.

I also have an energetic transformational program called Heal & Feel Confident to Live Your Dream Life in 6 Weeks. With one-on-one Pranic Healing sessions and powerful energetic tools that are presented in an online course format, this program helps women feeling paralyzed by self-doubt, insecurities and fear move forward with the confidence, unshakable belief in themselves and power to accomplish their goals and live their dream lives.

Enjoy this short healing session! Wishing you so much success, abundance, joy, love and prosperity this year. Remember— you can do and have anything you want, so never give up on your goals and dreams 🤩

After connecting to this healing, comment below— how are you feeling?

Love, light and blessings to you,

Suzie 🥰


Practice this Quick, Uplifting Tip when you’re in a Low Mood.


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