Energy Healing for Achieving and Manifesting Your Goals

Watch this Pranic Healing video if you’re serious about achieving your goals, manifesting quickly and removing your inner obstacles holding you back from real success– like fear, unworthiness, doubt and negativity!

In this video, you will:

  • Understand thought forms and what you can do to make them stronger and more likely to manifest in the physical reality,

  • Get crystal clear on your goal and follow this strategy to help you achieve success and manifest rapidly and properly.

  • Receive healing energy to remove layers of the inner obstacles holding you back–like fear, unworthiness, doubt and negativity using Pranic Healing.

This is a short healing video that can channel healing energy to you as long as you stay connected, open and have faith. It’s effective, but not as deep, through or effective as one-on-one sessions. 

To more deeply and effectively remove the inner obstacles holding you back from finally making your dream career, relationship or lifestyle a reality, invest in remote Pranic Healing sessions with Suzie DeVoe, an Associate Certified Pranic Healer– click here to explore her healing services.

Enjoy this energy healing video! Wishing you much abundance, success and magical manifesting 💸🔥😎


Transcript for “Energy Healing to Achieve and Manifest Your Goals”

It’s the first week of 2024– the perfect time for preparing for goals and manifestations you really want to experience! This video is for you if you want to really align your energy and your action with your goals.

Energy and Action are so Important!

I find the combination of energy and action is very powerful, not only for healing my clients, but also for bringing whatever you want into your life faster and more smoothly. 

The energy part is really aligning your deeper inner beliefs, your emotions and your thoughts. Aligning them completely with your final manifestation and the reality you want to experience. This is so important to receiving it and allowing it into your life.

The second aspect is action. It’s important to have a strategy and a plan, to schedule it and to follow through with action so you can really open up the avenues and channels in your life for this manifestation or goal or reality or certain state to enter into your life so that it becomes your everyday reality.

In the first part of this video, I’ll help you get clear on the action part. What is your strategy? What is your plan? What is your schedule? How are you going to do it? How will you show up every day and every week to prove to the universe that you are ready for this manifestation.

In the second part of the video, I will channel healing energy to help remove any limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and  negative emotions from your energy system.

It’s like removing the brakes that you have on to allow the manifestation in your life. Then, I'll energize you with higher frequency feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that are consistent with the goal or the manifestation you have to accelerate it coming into your life. 

Step 1: Get clear on your goal. Write it down.

Find a piece of paper or a journal and get a pen, not a pencil. The first step is to get very clear on exactly what your goal or your manifestation is. 

In the energy world, all of your thoughts and emotions exist as energy forms in your aura, chakras and energy system. The more you repeat a thought, the stronger that thought form will be in your aura.

The stronger it gets with your repeated thoughts, with your emotional energy that you feed it, with the actions you take towards it, it becomes more heavy and dense. It will continue getting more heavy and dense energetically until it gets so dense that it will manifest itself into your 3D reality. 

If you're interested in learning more about thought forms, I would recommend the books Pranic Psychotherapy by Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui and Thought Forms by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater.

Right now your goal or manifestation is a thought form in your aura. Our goal right now is to make it more clear, because the clearer you make it, the stronger the thought form is and the closer it becomes to actually manifesting into your 3D reality.

What is your goal? What is the manifestation you want? 

Try to make it as detailed as possible. 

Instead of saying, “I want to make more money” say, “I want to make at least $50,000 this year.” 

If you want more clients for your business, you could say, “I want at least 40 more clients this year.”

If you want to get in shape, you could say, “I want to work out three times a week every week for the rest of the year” or “I want to lose 10 pounds.”

Whatever it is, write it down now. The act of writing it out makes the thought form more clear and more strong. Writing your goal down increases your chance of achieving them by 42 percent compared to people who don't write them down, according to a study by Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor from the Dominican University in California.

As a side note, this goal should be realistic for you, but it should also make you push yourself and make you excited to have it. If it’s too unrealistic, you won't believe it. That will weaken the thought form. 

Step 2: Decide on an end date. Write it down.

Having an end date is so important because it solidifies in your mind that this is when it's going to happen by.

If you don't have an end date, it’s always going to feel ambiguous and in the future. Therefore, the likelihood of it actually happening greatly decreases. Again, make it a realistic end date, but also make it close enough that you get really excited for it coming.  

Right now, write in your journal a whole sentence with your original statement.

“I want to run 10, 000 miles by November 1st”

“I want to meet my soulmate by October 31st or sooner.” 

“I want to lose 20 pounds by June 1st.”

After writing it down, check in with yourself. How do you feel about your goal and your manifestation now that you've written down exactly what it is?

You have an end date. Do you feel more hopeful about it? Does it feel more real to you? If so, that’s a really good sign. That means that your thought form is getting more clear. It's getting more strong and as you follow through with action, you align your thoughts and emotions with it. You will accelerate it actually coming down and manifesting into your 3d reality.

Step 3: Decide on a strategy and plan. Write it down.


The next step is deciding on a strategic plan for how you are going to make it happen.

For example, if you're going to switch careers, how are you going to do that? Is there an educational program? Is there a degree you need to get? Is there an internship that you feel like you need to get to get the experience to make that leap? 

Whatever it is, figure out a smart, strategic plan.

For example, if you want to make three really good friends by June 1st, then you could say, “I will go out to three Meetup groups a week. And you can research which ones you want to go to. Maybe one is a running group. Maybe one is a healing group. Maybe another one is a networking group for women in their 30s. This will increase the likelihood of you actually meeting people and actually making friends.

So write down your strategy and plan right now. 

How important is action in the manifestation process?

When I was learning about how you create your reality and the manifestation process from different perspectives and thought leaders, one thing that stood out to me was all the schools emphasize the energy part– so aligning your thoughts, emotions and belief systems with what you want. 

The thing that seemed to differ was how important action was in that process. 

Initially, I felt like there were just two sides. One side said you don't need to take action and it will just flow into your life and the other side said you do need to take action to open up those channels for that manifestation.

I later realized that was wrong– the former perspective was actually saying you need to be open to ideas you receive and take inspired action to open up the channels for your manifestation to come through. 

So whether you want to just wait around for the creative ideas to come to you and then take action is totally up to you. 

However, I find that by creating a strategy and plan, then scheduling it and following through with action, you’re telling the Universe, “Look, I am ready for this to come in my life! Not only that, but I expect it to come into my life because I have an end date and I'm working towards it.” 

It really gets you even more in alignment with the fact that this goal and manifestation is done for you.  

I find even if the manifestation or goal comes in through a different way than what you planned, that does not disregard the planning and the strategy you already did. The planning, strategy and action you took was still preparing you to have it come in through whichever way.  

The planning, strategy and taking action process is really important to make the manifestation or goal real. 

Technically, could you sit in your apartment and really wish to meet your soulmate without leaving your house? 

Maybe you could, but you would have to get so in alignment with your thoughts and your emotions and have so much faith that your soulmate will come to your door, ring your doorbell and say, “I'm here!” 

That could happen, right? But are you really going to believe that's going to happen? 

It's really based on what you believe and what you expect is going to happen. That is what is going to happen. 

So the planning, strategy and action part really paves the way for your mind, your emotions and your life for you to achieve your goal. 

Step 4: Starting from your end date, work backwards and write down the steps you need to take and your mini goals.

You this two ways. First, you can break it down into sequential goals. For example, if you want to get 20 new clients for your business, you could break it down into smaller chunks. First you get five new clients, then five more, then five more, etc.

You can break down the steps you need to take in the process. For example, what do you need to do to achieve the first five clients? Maybe you’ll post this amount of times on Instagram and TikTok a week.

Or maybe you're going to put flyers out. Maybe you're going to do some cold calling. 

What are the actions you also need to take to achieve those mini goals? Depending on your goal, whatever sequential steps or goals you need to achieve or do to get there, write them down right now in your journal or on your piece of paper.

Step 5: Schedule your steps and goals in your planner, journal or an Excel sheet.

Starting from your end date and working backwards to today's date, schedule those little chunks into your calendar right now. 

Your strategy, steps and mini goals will be different if you want to get in shape versus if you want to get 30 more clients in your business. Do whatever works for your goal.

Step 6: Check in with yourself– how are you feeling about your goal or manifestation now?

After scheduling it, how do you feel about your goal or manifestation? 

Do you feel positive about it? 

Do you feel a new level of hope about it? 

Do you feel relieved that yes, I have an end date, I have a plan, this is going to happen. 

If so, that's so good! That means that your energy is in alignment with this goal or manifestation, which allows you to receive it and attract it into your life rapidly and properly.

I encourage you to continue consciously repeating and experiencing those positive thoughts and emotions about your goal or manifestation.

Try to make new mental and emotional patterns in regards to your manifestation. When you feel positively about your goal or manifestation, you are energizing that thought form. You're making it more heavy with your emotional energy. And as the thought form gets stronger and stronger, more heavy, more heavy, the greater chance that it is going to manifest itself.

On the other hand, if you check in with yourself and if you feel some negative things come up, that's okay, but that's really important to look at. And that's what we're going to address in the healing part of the video.

If you check in, what kind of negative things do you feel come up? Fear? Unworthiness? Doubt? Pessimism?

Everyone experiences them, but it’s good to be aware because the stronger they are, the more resistance you have. It's like putting your foot down on the brake harder and harder towards moving towards what you want. It just slows your manifestation or achieving your goal down. It also prevents you from showing up with action and creating the channels and avenues for it to come through.

Ultimately, you really want to become aware of these popping up and take steps towards reducing them.

Pranic Healing is one way to reduce your inner obstacles to receiving all that your heart desires! 

These healing videos are effective. But, I will say they are not nearly as effective as one-on-one remote parent healing sessions with me. So if you're really serious about removing your inner obstacles to achieve your goals, check out my healing services here.

Remember– if you can imagine or dream something or if there’s something your heart yearns for, you can absolutely have it!

You wouldn't even have that dream or desire if you weren’t able to experience it. Always remind yourself to have faith, to believe in yourself, to believe in the benevolence of the Universe and the world we live in.

Know that you can have anything your heart desires!

To start receiving healing energy in this video to remove layers of your inner obstacles like limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, unworthiness, imposter syndrome and negativity, connect to the video above at the time 19:46…


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