Energy Healing for Stress and Overwhelm

Stress and overwhelm is one of the most universal issues that we face in the 21st century. How many times per year, month or week do you get stressed and overwhelmed?? Yup.

The good news is that Pranic Healing is awesome for helping you release your stress energy!

Stress and overwhelm are energies that exist in your energy system— your aura, chakras and meridians. Like all emotions and thoughts, the more you feel them, the more of these frequencies you have in your energy field.

Stress and overwhelm especially affect your solar plexus chakra, located in your upper abdomen area. This is the chakra connected to lower emotions like stress, anger, fear and courage.

When you hold stress energy in this chakra overtime, you restrict the flow of life force energy to major organs in your abdomen that are connected to this chakra. You might experience issues with your stomach, digestion, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, diaphragm or breathing. Stress energy held in the solar plexus chakra can also travel to your heart chakra, which can manifest as heart ailments over time.

A fast, effective way to release your stress energy and feel more relaxed, calm and light is to receive Pranic Healing. This energy healing modality is a system of cleansing and energizing. The stress and overwhelm energy is removed from your chakras and energy system. Then, you are energized with the frequencies of calm and inner peace.

Connect to this short healing video to receive some Pranic Healing. Layers of your stress and overwhelm will be removed and replaced with high vibrational, calming energies.

One-on-one remote Pranic Healing sessions give the best, fastest, deepest results, but you can still receive a level of healing with these healing videos.

Let me know how you feel before and after in the comments below! Wishing you much peace, calm and relaxation.

*Updated from December 2021


Energy Healing for Achieving and Manifesting Your Goals


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