Pranic Healing for Healthy Boundaries

Do you struggle with creating and enforcing healthy boundaries with friends, family or romantic partners so you can keep yourself happy, healthy and full of energy to dedicate to your soul purpose?

Then this healing video is for you!

You’ll learn more about healthy boundaries through a spiritual and energetic perspective and receive healing energy to help you remove the inner obstacles preventing you from creating and enforcing healthy boundaries around your time, energy, love and resources.

If you feel called to spread healing, light and wisdom with your unique gifts to the people you serve, healthy boundaries and nurturing relationships are so important for your success!

If you’re receptive, by the end of the video you will feel less resistance to creating healthy boundaries and feel a desire to nurture healthy connections and relationships with the people who love and support you.

Want to feel empowered with the confidence, courage and belief in yourself to fulfill your soul purpose and serve more people with your unique expression and gifts??

Then the transformation healing program Heal and Feel Confident is for you and the souls waiting for your unique medicine! Click here to learn more.


Video Transcript

Hi, I'm Suzie DeVoe. I'm an Associate Certified Pranic Healer and founder of Rainbow Spirit Healing, and I help spiritual entrepreneurs and lightworkers feel empowered with the confidence, courage, and belief in themselves to fulfill their sole purposes so they can feel fulfillment and so much satisfaction from serving others with their unique gifts, message and healing.

And to all my subscribers and the people that have commented, I just wanna express my deep, deep gratitude. I love connecting with you and thank you so much for your support. I really try to help other people with their heart center businesses and their heart center projects, um, through chronic healing and through my practice because we're all feeling called to do certain things, to do our part in healing the earth and bringing about a shift in consciousness. And I just wanna say thank you so much for giving that support back. I really feel it, thank you.

Wow. This has been coming up so much for me recently in in the lives of my friends. And because we're all connected on a planetary level, I'm assuming this is coming up for you, especially if you're watching this video right now.

So we are gonna tackle healthy boundaries, and I'm gonna channel some healing to help you remove the blockages to really creating and enforcing those healthy boundaries that support you. Boundaries are the physical, mental, and emotional ways in which we protect all aspects of our being so that we stay happy and healthy.

I'm not an expert in the psychological perspective of boundaries, although I have done quite a lot of research to help me build up the skills to create and enforce healthy boundaries in my life. But I do want to touch on boundaries through the energetic lens.

Boundaries are really the way in which you control what goes out and what comes into your own energy field.

This includes the people, the types of energies and frequencies, the thoughts and emotions that you allow yourself to connect with and allow into your own energy field, your own heart, your own mind, and your own spirit.

There are two aspects to talking about boundaries through an energetic lens. One is the input. So what we allow into our energy field, into our thoughts, into our emotions. The second is the output. So, where are we channeling our energy, our time, our resources, our love, our thoughts, and our emotion.

So talking about the input, having healthy boundaries would mean allowing in loving, supportive, and positive people, thoughts, energies, ideas and emotions into your energy field.

That does require you to have a certain level of awareness and consciousness, so you can always be filtering and discerning what really supports you and what you want to allow into your energy, your heart, and your mind. If something is vibing with you and it just feels so good and right to you, whether that's a person, whether that's an act of service. Or a certain idea or an expression of emotions. Then open your heart. Open your mind. Open your energy to this because it nourishes and it supports your soul.

But if something doesn't feel good to you, whether that's a person, a thought, an idea, an expression of emotion, or it could even be like a negative conversation with someone. Then don't allow it into your energy.

And that could mean physically removing yourself from a situation that could mean decreasing your contact with someone, or that could mean just politely listening, nodding your head, but not getting stuck on what they're saying. Not allowing it into your mind, just kind of letting it go in one ear and out the other. And in that way, you don't actually allow it to stay in your energy. So it just comes and goes really quickly.

And the output aspect of boundaries through an energetic lens is consciously channeling your valuable time, resources, love, energy, and support to people that really support, love and nourish you back.

For a lot of us that grew up in situations that did not feel safe to us, a good indicator could be, does this person feel safe to me? Can I open my heart to this person and feel safe and protected and loved and seen? And a lot of you watching are heart-centered people and you have stronger intuitions, so trust your intuition.

Another aspect of this is where are you spending your thoughts and emotions on? Are you allowing your thoughts and emotions to be channeled and drained towards negative people or challenging situations that just bring you down and make you feel icky?

Certain amount of control and focus regarding your mental and emotional energy, which is so powerful and literally manifests your reality. So are you channeling that towards the people that you love in your life, towards the projects or your business or whatever that lights you up and feels like your spiritual purpose? Are you channeling a lot of your mental and emotional energy towards that? Because that will magnify and bring more of that into your.

Another aspect to boundaries through an energetic lens is balance and reciprocity. Each of your relationships is the exchange of love, compassion, support, um, time and energy. Is it balanced overall? And if it's not, how do we express that and bring that up so this imbalance can be remedying. Over time, an imbalance causes one of you in the relationship to feel energetically drained, which will always have consequences in the long run.

The key to creating healthy boundaries around your energy, your heart, your mind, and your spirit is really using your discernment and your awareness and creating strategy around who are you opening your heart and your energy field to, and also what ideas, what frequencies, what emotions in your environment are you allowing yourself to be open to?

And then on the other side of that is what people, places, ideas and emotions are you deciding to politely close yourself off to so that you can maintain your own higher frequency and really maintain a higher level of energy, inspiration, love, and higher frequency energies so that you can successfully fulfill your sole purpose.

It really is a balance between having more loose boundaries where you're just channeling and leaking your energy and time and love everywhere without be discerning about who it's going to, and also being open to any kind of energy, thoughts, or ideas from other people into your own energy field. So you're just not protecting yourself or being firm enough in your boundaries.

On the other side of that, and this has happened to me as I've learned the learned how to create boundaries, is you can get in the trap of making your boundaries too strong so that you don't allow yourself to connect or open your heart with safe and loving and supportive people because you just are still learning how to create boundaries.

So it's almost like you make them so strong to prove into, to prove to yourself and others that you are protected. But the truth is, We're humans and we need human connection in loving, supportive, caring souls that we connect with. Really nourishes us and heals us at very deep levels. And it is really not healthy for us as humans to live in, like in an isolated state.

So here's a really common issue that comes up with the boundary creating. So in terms of your community and friends, it's pretty easy to decide. You wanna make connections with these people who feel safe to you and then decide to not pursue connections with these other people that don't feel safe and supportive to you and your energy.

But what about those people that we’re situationally stuck with that we have to interact with like maybe certain family members or people we work with? I found a two-step approach to be the most effective in these situations.

So the first step is stepping back and deciding what are my boundaries with this person around my time, my resources, my energy, my thoughts, my emotions, and whatever supports you in the healthiest way. Then commit from this day forward to enforcing them with this person so you do feel safe and protected after you've created and started enforcing these boundaries with this person.

This is really important, and that is to forgive them for being who they are. Because we're all human beings. No one's perfect. We're all making mistakes, and chances are the person. Is harmful, um, to you because of their own inner wounds and their own suffering. They probably live in a prison of their own minds of negative thoughts and emotions. So really have compassion for the way they're suffering and the way that they're hurting others with that, and they're not even conscious of it.

Bless them with love, with healing, with kindness and compassion, but always do that from behind your boundary.

For example, I have a certain family member that it's just not healthy for me to be around this person for long periods of time because it drags out my energy. There's a lot of negativity, and there's also like emotional hurt that happens to me when I'm around this person.

So my boundary with this person is I'll only spend like three hours at a time with this person per day, right? But within those three hours, I will decide to be loving towards this person, to be accepting of this person. To forgive this person for who they are, and at the end of the three hours, I gracefully and politely excuse myself from the situation.

And in this way, you're protected and you're also filled with feelings of love and forgiveness and compassion. Instead of creating a boundary and being frustrated and angry, unjudgmental and just blaming this person, right, because that's our, those are really heavy energies that will bring down your energy levels, create energetic blockages in your energy system, and over decades will cause physical health issues. So you don't need to hold onto that.

Now listen up. I want you to open your heart and your mind, your energy and your spirit to what I'm about to say.

Your time, your love, your energy, your compassion, your resources— they are so valuable. You are literally a divine being. And not only that, but I'm assuming since we're connecting in this video, you're also someone that has a spiritual purpose here to spread healing, light wisdom. Whatever you feel is waiting to be expressed through you, that helps heal other people, that helps uplift other people, inspire other people.

That is such an important form of healing, and it's no accident that you've incarnated here at this time. The world really needs what you have to offer. The world really needs your message, your gifts, your expression, your love, your passion. Making boundaries is really in honor of your soul purpose.

You have to practice the conscious awareness and the choice of what energies, what people, what emotions and thoughts you are allowing into your energy field, your heart and your mind because you are such an important instrument of the next chapter of the healing of this earth, and in fulfilling your sole purpose and fulfilling your destiny and the path of your heart.

On this path you'll need loving, supportive, caring people in your life. You can't do it alone. So also using your discernment and deciding who do I wanna open my heart to? Who do I wanna open my mind to? Who do I want to channel my love, my money, my time, my resources into because they also support me back in my sole purpose.

What boundaries can you make that maximize your energy, that maximize your frequency, that fill you with so much love, happiness, compassion and inspiration. Be picky about who you allow into your life, and also be picky about where you're channeling your energy, your thoughts, your emotions, your love into.

Have high standards because you're so important. You're a divine being and everyone's important, but if you especially feel really connected to your soul purpose and it involves serving others, my gosh, like you are such an incredibly important instrument of healing light and love to other people, and you need to recognize that in yourself and make the healthy boundaries to protect your energy, your mind, your emotions, and your spirit.

I hope you heard that from my heart to yours. And now I will go into the healing part of this video, so I will channel chronic healing to you through this video to remove any energetic or mental and emotional blockages you have that allow you to fully create and enforce healthy boundaries for yourself.

And just to let you know, this is not a full healing session and it's not as powerful as a one-on-one distant Pranic Healing session with me. However, if you are open and receptive to the healing energy, you should feel some shifts by the end of the video.

If you're interested in how Pranic Healing can help you overcome your inner obstacles, so you can feel empowered with confidence, courage, and belief in yourself to make progress in doing the work your soul came here to do, because there are people waiting for you, your unique message, your skills, your gifts, and your unique expression, click here to learn more.

I want you to take a moment and answer this one question within your own heart. What is preventing you from fully creating and enforcing healthy boundaries for yourself? Is it low self-esteem? Is it the feeling of deep unworthiness? Is it the feeling of unworthiness of love and of being seen and of being valued?

Is it from trauma you experienced? Is it from the attachment and the bond you had through your caregivers? Like explain through attachment theory, is it your tendency to source your sense of love in belonging and self-esteem from other people instead of sourcing that from within yourself and your connection to your higher?

Or is it just a pattern that you absorbed by watching your caregivers and other adults that you grew up with as a child? So you're just repeating the same patterns they did, or is it the archetype of being a calm, peaceful, caring woman who doesn't rock the boat and doesn't fully express herself because she's just not allowed?

I want you to pause this video and really uncover the answers within yourself. What are, what is, what are the root causes of you not being able to create and enforce healthy boundaries and don't feel any shame and guilt around it? Because we all have our struggles with creating boundaries. We all have our own specific challenges that our soul wanted us to go through, so there's no shame and guilt in uncovering these deeper layers of ourselves.

And the truth is like, these are not who we are at our core, we are divine consciousness, we are souls, and any thoughts, emotions in wounding that we carry with us are not who we are and therefore we can release them and heal them…


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