Pranic Healing Heals the Mind and Emotions. Here’s How.

This is the closest to magic you can get.

You’re laying down, receiving energy healing through Zoom (which also seems like magic) for a core wound-- maybe it’s for feelings of unworthiness and self-doubt that keep creeping up through self-sabotage.

You feel the heaviness of it in your chest and in your stomach. Your thoughts are laced with self-doubt and fear when you think of doing the big, bold things your soul aches for.

And 30 minutes in, all of a sudden-- it’s gone. That heaviness is replaced with lightness in your stomach and a soft opening of your chest. 

Another 30 minutes later and you can’t even recall what thoughts of self-doubt and insecurity were keeping you in limbo. 

This time when you think about taking your next big steps, you feel pumped, confident and ready to bring it on!

In that one hour session-- what happened energetically to create deep emotional healing?

I recently explained how energy healing heals the physical body. If you haven’t already, check it out! This explanation applies to other modalities, as well.

This post focuses on how Pranic Healing, specifically Pranic Psychotherapy, heals the mind and emotions.

This is my specialty and my passion-- because it’s just so dang powerful! This type of healing trickles down into every area of our lives. 

When we do deep inner work, everything improves-- our success, our finances, our relationships, our ability to love, our ability to show up for ourselves and others, and our ability to laugh and play and reveal our true selves to the rest of the world!

Healing the mind and emotions also heals the physical body, since most illness and disease are at least partially due to repressed negative emotions. 

So this is where it’s at for healing on all levels!!

You create thoughts and emotions with your mental and emotional bodies.

SURPRISE-- you have different bodies!

You have your physical body, the most energetically dense of them. That’s why you can see it.

Then you have an etheric or energy body. It transports life energy to our entire physical body to keep it alive.

Even more subtle is the astral, or emotional body. It’s our emotional hardware. It allows us to feel and create emotions. (fun fact- it’s also the body we use for dreaming and astral travel!)

And even more subtle is the mental body, the hardware of the mind. It’s the instrument that allows us to think and process other people’s thoughts.

Your thoughts and emotions exist as energetic forms in your energy field. 

Whenever you think a thought or feel an emotion, you create an energetic form in your energy field with your mental and emotional bodies. 

This form, called a thought form, floats around in your energy field for as long as you’re entertaining the thought. Once you stop thinking it, if it isn’t a habitual thought, it’ll disintegrate and be gone.

For example, you get the idea to go to your favorite park and soak up the sun. You just created a thought form in your energy field. Clairvoyantly it would look like a little bubble with an image of you sitting in the grass and smiling into the sun. 

You entertain the idea for a while, but decide not to go and make dinner instead. The thought form will weaken and get smaller until it’s disintegrated. It’s gone.

But if it’s a thought or emotion we have everyday, it’ll become a more permanent thought form.

Negative mental and emotional patterns we’ve had for a while are simply strong thought forms in our energy field. Because you’ve been thinking and feeling them for a while, they’re always influencing your mind and emotions. 

It’s hard to get rid of them because they’re deeply embedded. Those are usually the ones we unconsciously absorbed as kids from our family, school, friends, culture and society.

Let’s go back to our original example. You have issues with worthiness that come up as self-sabotage and paralysis that stop you from reaching your big goals. 

You probably have big, strong thought forms of unworthiness in your energy field. They’re strong enough that they influence your mind, emotions and actions-- they actually impact the way you live your life.

So how do you get rid of these negative thought forms holding you back from your dream life? 

With Pranic Healing!

In Pranic Healing, negative thought forms are disintegrated and removed.

In a psychotherapy session, I go into the energy field and disintegrate (destroy) and remove the negative thought forms with a powerful type of high frequency energy that’s channeled from higher planes.

When this happens, there’s mental and emotional relief. The negative thought and emotional pattern simply isn’t there or is a lot, lot less. It’s hard to recall how it felt and what kind of negative thoughts were there before.

But removing the old, negative thought form isn’t enough-- we need to create a new positive thought form to replace it! To move ahead, you need to have a positive thought form to influence your thoughts, emotions and actions in the way you want to be.

Throughout a Pranic Healing session, new positive thought forms are created. 

When I conduct a healing, I create new positive thought forms in your energy field that you want to have as I disintegrate and remove the negative ones.

At the end, we create and strengthen positive thought forms in your energy field for a few minutes. When we do it together, it’s more powerful and long-lasting. 

For example, if you receive a Pranic Healing session to heal your unworthiness, your negative thought forms telling you that you’re not enough are destroyed and removed. Ahh, you feel relief.

To replace these, new positive thought forms are energetically created to empower you with confidence, worthiness and unshakable belief in yourself. 

You feel this new sense of self assuredness in your heart and now you’re having thoughts like:

Oooh, what can I do today to move forward toward my goal?

How can I make time for this today?

I’m so excited to celebrate when I’ve finally accomplished this!

In a nutshell- your negative thoughts and emotions are removed. You’re filled with positive thoughts and emotions. Voila, you feel freedom and relief from your suffering!

Pranic Healing immensely expedites the healing process. 

When used in conjunction with traditional methods of releasing like crying, journaling, meditation and conventional therapy-- the healing process is so much faster.

Healing is like an onion. It happens in layers (another blog post to come soon!). As one layer is removed, another one will come into your consciousness to be cleared. That’s good, each layer is cleared with Pranic Healing until that emotional and mental pattern is gone and permanently replaced by a positive one.

And that’s how you change your life. From the inside, out. 

When you shift your mental and emotional patterns, your actions change and your life starts to change, too.

If there’s parts of your life that you want to be different but you feel resistance, think about what negative thought and emotional patterns are keeping you there. 

Maybe you don’t even know what they are-- but there’s inner resistance there. Resistance means there’s a negative thought form holding you back from reaching your big goals.

Because you deserve to reach your big goals and live your most expansive, authentic life you daydream about now, not later!

With Pranic Healing sessions and the right energetic energetic tools, you can definitely do it.

That’s why I’m launching an 8 week transformational program to help women overcome their insecurities, self-doubt and self-worth that’s holding them back and empower them with the confidence, freedom and clarity to reach their goals faster and live their dreams.

If haven’t already, subscribe to my email list for updates and the official launch date!

It’s going to be exclusive-- only 5 special women who crave deep, inner healing to change their lives will be able to partake in this transformational experience.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, I hope you learned a fun fact or two!!!

Comment below with any kind words, questions or recommendations :)

With so much love,


Heal Unworthiness with this Pranic Healing Session


Energy Healing for Opening the Heart to Gratitude and Love