Short Pranic Healing Session for Relationship Healing
“The closer you interact with a person, the more psychological friction you will experience. Try rubbing your hands together. There is friction.
In a relationship, the lubricant is love— in the form of loving thoughts, loving feelings, loving words and loving actions.”
It’s the week of Valentine’s Day, the time of love and appreciation…or the time of increased focus on all the things wrong with our relationships! I think it’s the perfect time for some relationship healing, whether it’s romantic, familial or a friendship.
When I worked in restaurants I remember working on Valentine’s Day and it was incredible how many couples would eat out for the ritual of Valentine’s Day, but were obviously not happy together. You could just tell at every table of 2 what the dynamic was.
To understand how relationships work through the energetic lense and how to assume back your power to shift relationship dynamics just using your energy, thoughts and emotions (no blaming or asking someone to change!), check out Part I of this two part series here.
For Part 2 of this series on relationship healing, I’m offering a short Pranic Healing taster session to open your heart and remove critical thinking, resentment and blockages to completely accepting and loving others. It’s shorter than a one-on-one session with me through Zoom, so it won’t completely remove everything, but you should feel some relief and feel an inner shift nonetheless.
As you lay down, relax and stay connected to me during the mini session, I’ll ask you to actively be practicing two things: forgiveness and gratitude for the person in the relationship that you want to heal.
I’ll guide you in how to practice forgiveness. This is super important. You can’t feel love or heal a relationship without forgiving the other person for their faults and their mistakes. This is like the cleansing of your relationship.
For the second half of the session, I’ll instruct you in how to practice gratitude for all the qualities of the other person that you love and all the kind things they’ve done for you, no matter how small. This energizes your relationship with love and positivity!
I hope this helps “lubricate” your relationship– if you take the time to receive this healing energy, let me know in the comments– how do you feel about the other person after this Pranic Healing taster?
Sending you so much love, sweet soul!!! 💗