How to Transform Every Experience into a Blessing

Have you ever caught yourself feeling disappointed about something that you wish ended up differently, but after thinking about it, you realize that it actually unfolded just as it should have? That it was actually a blessing in disguise?

This past Sunday, I brought Rainbow Spirit Healing to an event in Denver with other women in the holistic/wellness industry. I had a healing booth offering short Pranic Healing sessions. 

The event was five hours long, so I could do 10 healings max. That probably wasn’t going to happen, so I was hoping for at least 4-5 healings.

But from my previous experience, I try to go into all events with the attitude that I’m there to serve those who really need healing. Everything else is secondary.

So, I did a long prayer before the event. I prayed to the Supreme Being, all the Higher Beings and my Spiritual Teacher:

I just ask to please attract the right clients to me. Please attract the souls who need and want healing into my chair. With thanks and in full faith.

As I stood at my table with my banner behind me, all ready to heal, I talked to a lot of interesting women who were curious about Pranic Healing. But no one was eager to receive healing.

At the halfway point of the event, I was starting to sweat a bit. Am I going to get anyone? Does anyone need healing here?

Luckily my boyfriend came and I dragged him into the healing chair. Let me give you a healing so people will see me giving healing and maybe it will draw the right people in.

He was feeling a little grumpy and stressed from work, so he was game and we started the healing. The energy coming through me was strong and within 10 minutes he relaxed and almost fell asleep. We both went into a meditative state and 30 minutes later, we were both grinning and laughing. 

He felt amazing, he said, and he wanted to pay for it. No, it’s for free! No, I want to pay for it, he said. Okay– I allow abundance to flow to me!

He left, and I thought, not what I was expecting as a client, but I received someone who needed healing, they received a lot of amazing healing energy and I got paid. Nice!

Not soon after that, a lovely woman approached me who I’d spoken to earlier. She confidently said that she wanted a healing. 

It was a powerful healing. Her soul was clearly ready for the healing and really wanted it. It was pretty much a dream healing. She tipped extra and we were both super appreciative of each other.

As that healing ended, the event came to a close. Just 2 healings that day– far from the 4-5 that I was shooting for

As I was packing up, I realized that I had two choices. I could look at this event in a more negative perspective and focus on how I only gave two healings instead of the 4-5 that I wanted.

Or, I could see the blessing– that my prayer was answered. I channeled healing energy to two souls that really needed it. They had found me, just as I had asked. If there was anyone else there that was ready, they would have found me and asked for a healing. But no one else did– it was just those two people who really wanted it and I delivered. 

So I decided then and there that I was going to choose the more positive perspective and create an emotional state of gratitude instead of disappointment. If I had received more clients, maybe they wouldn’t have been as ready or receptive to the healing energy. If they can’t absorb the healing energy because they aren’t subconsciously open— well, then they aren’t happy.

So everything happened in my favor.

I’m going to be bold and suggest that there’s no mistakes and there’s nothing that doesn’t happen in your favor. You get what you’re ready for. You get handed to you what you need to learn to grow and evolve into your next level of transformation.

Yeah, yeah, you might say… this is all really nice. But what’s the actual benefit to shifting your perspective to understand things at a deeper level?

Well, you’re a lot happier and more positive more of the time! That’s a huge win in itself.

Once you really absorb this perspective into your subconscious mind, your stress levels decrease because you have a deeper level of faith in what happens to you. If everything is happening for you as it should, no need to try to control everything and get stressed out because you actually can’t control much in life. We all know how damaging stress is to ourselves and our relationships.

When you have more positive thoughts, you create more positive emotions– and these activate your parasympathetic nervous system. In this relaxed state, your body goes into self-healing mode. Energetically, positive emotions transmute the negative emotions causing energetic blockages in your energy system. These blockages ultimately lead to physical disease after suffering mentally and emotionally for long periods of time.

So this perspective is actually a form of healing!

Another benefit to adapting this higher level of understanding is that you can more easily forgive, let go and reach a place of peace around difficult situations. Not only do you experience that light feeling of peace as you release the weight of resentment, anger and sadness, but you can be of service to others who go through similar situations. You can be a beacon of light to people who are lost and scared in the dark.

So trying to adapt a more curious attitude towards the events that happen in your life to understand the underlying lessons or blessings to be grateful for is a very important, cornerstone shift that can create a positive domino effect on every area of your life.

I offer a 6 week safe, loving container of mental and emotional healing called The Deep Healing Transformation. To deliver transformation, Pranic Healing sessions are provided as well as energetic tools for you to practice that help you develop awareness of your thoughts and adapt more positive mental and emotional patterns. Click here to learn more.

I think we all have to ask– but what about super traumatic experiences?

Honestly, I can’t directly comment because I have no right to judge anyone else’s experience. But, I’ll suggest that we can’t possibly fathom or truly understand the deeper reasons behind our experiences. Our human minds can’t actually fathom higher levels of understanding unless through direct transmission. It will always be a guess.

In our human perspective and current level of consciousness, we process things into polarity. So positive/good and negative/bad is a natural sorting process that our brain creates to make sense and order out of the stimuli that we’re constantly processing around us.

So it’s natural to view things that happen to us as good or bad. At every stage, it feels like a mixed bag of both. 

But at higher levels of consciousness, at the level of our soul energy and beyond all the way up to the level of consciousness of the Universe/God/Supreme Being, polarity doesn’t exist. Channelers of entities that exist in higher dimensions with much higher levels of consciousness relay the idea that polarity is very unique to the human experience. It’s the illusion that we are meant to transcend as we evolve.

Therefore, with every experience that we have, we might see it as good or bad– but at higher levels of consciousness beyond us, that polarity doesn’t exist. Instead, it’s viewed that everything is happening for us, for our experience, growth and evolution. We’re always supported because we are carefully not given more than we can handle at any stage.

At a more esoteric level, it’s been said across different sources and spiritual paths that your soul plans out major life events that aligns with its goals for each incarnation.


In the book Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, Robert Schwartz interviews entities of higher levels of consciousness in higher dimensions through channelers. Through them, he uncovers the blessings and the reasons why our souls would want to experience more traumatic things.

It’s hard to comprehend why a soul would want to experience these, but each experience brings an incredibly powerful lesson that transforms the person and allows them to be of service to others in similar situations. I’d recommend checking out this book if you’re interested in going deeper!

That’s exactly the perspective that we can try to adapt– a God-like perspective, a higher, eagle-eyed view of the events that happen in our lives. With that attitude, we can experience more positivity, gratitude, faith, trust, relaxation and healing in our everyday lives. And who doesn’t want more of that?

How do you actually apply this perspective to your daily life?

I’ll give you some real examples from my life.

I can think of a lot of times in which I missed events I wanted to go to, but looking back, I didn’t actually have time for them. Instead, I worked on more important projects during that time that helped me move forward.

And then I can think of more significant things, like emotionally traumatic experiences. It’s undeniable that these brought me to my knees. But, they also led me to this path of energy healing  and spirituality to experience deeper levels of healing that I couldn't get with traditional western medicine or therapy. I’m still healing layer by layer from traumas that happened long ago. With each layer that I heal, I slowly morph into a more wise, loving and compassionate woman who is more able to serve others.

Let’s bring it back to you. Practice this perspective now:

Have things happened in your life that seemed like a mistake or disaster at the time, but looking back, it was a blessing? Either for the lesson that you learned from it, the person that it made you into or for the benefits that it brought you at some point?

1. First, think of an easy, less significant one to warm yourself up.

2. Then take a more difficult experience and challenge yourself– what was the blessing in that? 

Did it teach you something incredibly important for your growth?

Did it protect you from something worse?

Did it send you down an incredibly rewarding path?

3. As you focus on the blessings and silver linings of those situations, do you feel gratitude starting to well in your heart?

If not, continue focusing your mind on the positives. Thoughts create emotions, so wait for it.

4. Take a few minutes to meditate on that gratitude to make it grow stronger. 

Abraham Hicks said that gratitude is just a form of love directed towards life and towards the Universe. Feel it grow in your heart and spread throughout your entire being. If you’d like, say “Thank You” to the Universe and your soul for looking out for you and always serving your highest good, even when it doesn’t seem like that from our human perspective.

I hope, together, we can practice this higher perspective to bring love, light and healing into our lives and the lives of others as we become instruments of service.

It won’t be smooth sailing, because we are human with brains that interpret the world through the patterning of polarity. But we can practice awareness and focusing our minds on the possible blessings, lessons and benefits that every experience we have gives us.

I hope you enjoyed this post– please comment below and let me know your thoughts, I’d love to hear from you! 🥰



Short Pranic Healing Session for Trauma


Short Pranic Healing Session for Relationship Healing