Short Pranic Healing Session for Trauma


Have you ever had strong emotional responses, like anger, panic or fear, to certain people or situations that don’t make sense in that context? 

Do ever have flashbacks to past memories that you’d rather keep buried in the past?

Have you experienced very hurtful, stressful or terrifying events in your life that you still feel agitated by on some level, whether as a child or more recently in your adult life?

If so, you might be in the 70% of people that have experienced at least one traumatic event. Trauma is defined as a psychological and mental response to something distressing that happened to us. The severity ranges for each individual, but many of us still have trauma from difficult, stressful or hurtful experiences that we never fully processed and healed. Today, it is exists as psychological and emotional wounds waiting to be triggered in our everyday lives. 

The goal of various types of trauma treatment, like therapy or inner child work, is to bring up and heal the trauma so we no longer get triggered and have emotional reactions to similar situations in our present lives.

Results-oriented Pranic Healing is a fantastic solution to healing trauma. It can be used as a complement to traditional therapy, in which Pranic Healing speeds up the healing process. Pranic Healing can also be used on it’s own as long as the client’s mental and emotional processes around the event are also addressed— which I always work on with my clients because I aim to deliver real results!

Trauma exists energetically in your energy system.

Trauma exists as energy as emotional and mental forms deep in your chakras. In a healing session, I use energy to disintegrate these forms and reduce their influence on you. Depending on how strong the trauma is, the trauma can be removed in one or more sessions.

With each Pranic Healing session, more and more of the trauma is removed. Clients feel less and less emotionally charged with each session. It’s amazing, you have to try it to really experience how this feels!

If you’re struggling with unresolved trauma and you want to feel emotionally free and relaxed instead of triggered, book a free 1 hour consultation call now with a bit of complementary healing to see if this is right for you!

You can connect to this short taster Pranic Healing session to remove some of the trauma energy and feel some emotional freedom and relief. It’s not as intense as a one-on-one session with me where we get really deep and focus on real results, but it’s a great taster to help you tackle your trauma on your own.

As long as you stay open and  intend to receive the healing energy, you will receive it from this video! The energy is being channeled from the Universe and Higher Beings in other dimensions, it’s not my own (if it was my own I’d be exhausted all the time ha!).

Happy Healing! Comment below— how do you feel after??

Love, light and blessings to you!



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